down the very bottom of the rabbit hole

Feb 03, 2012 18:05

It was a mess, today, at work, but it's always a mess at work. The filing system consists of thousands of A5-sized sheets with notes scrawled on them, at first derisive and then desperate records of the national fall in literacy.

Fall? It was a headlong plummet into the abyss.

The notes were scattered all over the third floor. We didn't bother to enter any of them any more. The computer system worked perfectly, but we just didn't have the heart. Instead, we either got drunk, or stoned, or sideways on whatever halluncinogens you could pick up at the Queen Victoria market in the morning. When the buzz died down, someone would pick up a note, read it and either laugh or weep.

I held one at arm's length and squinted. " `Plark'."

"What's that?"

"It's what you put on a grave, instead of a tombstone. Here's another good one. 'Dentel technition, make foals teeths'."

"Oh, demons below," moaned the Amanojaku, "I can top that. Here, 'Acount excetive finace eduction", and that guy, check it, THAT one works for the Department of Education. Extinction take us all."

"Sort of like that, what was it?"

"`Accistent accountent'? `Abministraction constultant'?"

"No, it's over there somewhere... here, 'Elamination and Cullicurum Orditor'... heh heh heh."

She glared at me. "It's not funny. This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a toilet-load of ignorance. Look! `Despach - senden good to castmer'... `Admination'... and this one! `Elictrition'. Honestly, would you let this guy work on your house wiring if he CAN'T EVEN SPELL HIS JOB TITLE?"

"As long as he could tell the black wire from the red, well, yes, I would."

(LJ spell check? are you insane?)
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