May 27, 2002 19:15
*Sighs* yes more action from the only subject i don't really wanna talk about. This whole thing is getting so ARGH it's doing my head in. I guess i asked for all this though. Hmmm well just had an exam, need 40% to pass. Doesn't sound alot, but when you know as little as i think i did going into that exam, suddenly it seems the most unattainable mark possible. What's worse is, i have no money to go out to celebrate with my friends tonite, who are as we speak getting suitably drunk in the pub and also all i have to go back home to is beans on toast, a messy dirty smelly room and more damn revision. I just am so stressed at the moment and i'm not usually this bad with exams..everything piling up i think.
So onto yes, you have guessed it, Matthew. So i sold this Placebo album of his to my friend Scott (who's loverly and writes cool poems :p) and he sent me the £10 to pay for it..£5 of which i'm taking for P&P and because i sent some other albums along with it. So i texted Matt saying: hi, got the £5 from that album i sold, will give it to Kip, would give it to you but have a hectic week of exams and packing. Have a good summer, take care. Which is all fair enough right..So um. Yeah. I go back to my phone later and theres an answer phone msg from him saying: Keep the fiver. Good luck with yr exams. Have a good summer. Bye. And ummm yeah. I (stupidly) phoned him and said i wouldnt feel right keeping the fiver and sorry for everything that has happened etc and he said: seeya around. And i was like: that's so final and he said well what do you want me to say? So um fair enough we said bye and what not. Then i felt bad, so texted him (argh i'm such a fucktard) saying sorry again, i really do hope you have a good summer, one day maybe you will be able to talk to me again etc. And um that then turns into a kinda him slagging me off saying that i never loved or even cared for him, i have hurt him so badly, he wants to hate me but loves me and THEN (and this made me cry) he said: well fuck off home then and slag around all summer you never cared. I was so upset. So i ran to Ele's room at like 1am and talked to her it was awful. He THEN rang me this morning to apologise and was still apologising and explaining why but hey it's so awkward. So yeah..byebye. :o(
Spoke to Gembop last night. That was cool, she's a spritely little fairy :o) heh. I educated her on emo..yeah coz i'm so cool n all *rolls eyes*. Oh and had another argument on the LinkinPark board..a favourite past time of mine! ;)
I want someone to make me another icon to use..i love the one i have though cunty <3 any offers? I actually watched Big Brother last night too..i NEVER watch that pile of crap until like the last two weeks when stupidly i get caught up and vote. Still no period either, if i'm pregnant i will..well FUCK KNOWS WHAT HAPPENS THEN! Simple life simple life simple life. *Sighs* :p