Treasure (Tabula Rasa Tag)

Nov 07, 2007 22:24

Author: Astromist
Rating: G  
Characters: Katie and Rodney
Category: General (warm fuzzies)

This story is dedicated to padawan_aneiki, karri, and leafiesgirl, who have been pestering me to start writing SGA stories.  :)  *hugs*

Author: Astromist
Rating: G  
Characters: Katie and Rodney
Category: General (warm fuzzies)

Treasure (Tabula Rasa Tag)

Warmth.  Contentment.  Faint voices heard and easily ignored.  Safe in the embrace of sleep, drifting gently in the dark.  A warm hand under mine.

It was the familiar touch that finally reached me, dragging me toward the surface of wakefulness.  I didn't know where I was at first, hearing someone call my name, but not recognizing the voice.  After a moment of confusion, I realized who was speaking to me; Dr. Keller.  What had happened?  Why was I in the infirmary?  When she stepped aside and an anxious, familiar face came into view, I remembered.

"Rodney?"  My heart nearly melted at the look on his face.  Anyone who thinks he is an unfeeling, self-centered individual has never seen him as I have.  "It's good to see you."

The wide smile on his face brought an answering smile to mine.  "It's good to see you, too."  His words might not be considered very romantic by most people, but to me, they show how relieved he is to see me awake.  I can tell by the bags under his eyes that he's exhausted, but I'm sure that he's been by my side from the moment he awoke.  I can't help but smile up at him and try to allay his fears.

I remember now how this all started, the trip to the mainland and having Rodney stop by my lab to ask me to join him for lunch.  I know how most people see him.  I've heard it all before.  People think Rodney is the most selfish, condescending, rude individual that ever lived.  Well, people who have never taken the time to get to know him may think that, but I know better.  Rodney has no interest in botany, but he listens to me talk about my interests, and I could see how honored he was when I told him I was naming that cactus after him.  He's also a bit of a hypochondriac, ok, more than a bit, but he put that fear aside to be there for me and escort me to the infirmary.  He was there beside me, holding my hand, talking with me, simply sitting with me while I slept, providing love, support and comfort.  I couldn't ask for a more loyal, devoted man than Rodney.

When I look at him, I don't see the arrogant scientist that everyone else does.  I see a young boy, anxious for approval he never received, a child who yearned to be loved and accepted.  I see the mask he wears as a defense, but I can see beyond it to the wonderful, caring man he lets so few see.   After his encounter with the machine that nearly forced him to either ascend or die, others were able to get a glimpse of the man I know.  He told me about speaking to Radek, apologizing for all the harsh words he had said, about performing the tea ceremony for Teyla in honor of her father, and healing Ronon's scars.  Those are the actions of a great man, and I am quite honored to know him.

I am very glad that the cure was found, and grateful to everyone who helped to find it.  Even if the illness had not led to death, but merely loss of memory, it would have been more than I could bear.  Losing the memory of this wonderful man would have been horrible for me, even if I never knew it.  I treasure this man, and all the memories we have…and all the memories we will make in the future.

4th season episode tags, fiction-minor chars, author-astromist

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