Title: Fair Warning
bratfarrarRating/pairing: G, gen
Characters: Sheppard, McKay
Word count: 175
Notes: Written for
kriadydragon's prompt McKay, being somehow unfair or extra snarky to Sheppard, gets his comeuppance.
Summary: Rodney gets what's coming to him.
"Can't say I didn't warn you." Title: Basic Pinch and Twist
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Characters: Ronon, Sheppard
Word count: 340
Notes: Written for
wildcat88's prompt an unusual talent Ronon has.
Summary: How does one describe a balloon, anyway?
Pop-twist Title: Some Days Are Longer Than Others
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Characters: McKay, Ronon
Word count: 315
Summary: There's a balloon animal on Rodney's desk. And it's pink.
3 bubble body