FIC: I'm Hers 3/?

Jul 20, 2007 23:56

Title: I'm Hers
Author: Enola Jones
Rating: PG for now
Characters: John, "Lantea", Rodney
Summary: And the plot thickens.

John left Elizabeth’s office with a frown on his face. Ghosts? What the hell?

John, what are ghosts?

He blinked, then he blinked again. Can you read from the computer?

If I can understand it, yes. The fake-alive ones made me understand 300 more languages than I could.

Was one of those English?

What is this English?

John rubbed the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb. Let me show you, Lantea.

Several hours later, John was wearing that goofy, satisfied smile again. Lantea could read English now, and that made things so much easier. He left her to her explorations of the data base, occasionally stopping to define a word or an idiom that stumped the great brain of the city.

Somehow, he didn’t feel like teasing her about it. He just kindly educated her and in return, she would talk to him. Tell him things about the city and its people - and those she used to know.

When she told him Rodney was looking for him, he asked her where. And a map came into his mind. He wasn’t at all surprised to find Rodney on the balcony.

He is developing the same habits as you, Lantea teased him gently. I am going to have to develop sun shields for the both of you if you keep staying on my balconies at all hours of the day.

All hours? How long has he been out there?

Two or three hours. I am sorry, John. I was so intrigued by this new language and new way of knowing all of you--

It’s fine, Lantea. Really. I’m on my way now. Thank you, darlin’. And John stepped out onto the balcony.

Rodney was gazing over the water with a pair of binoculars. What struck John was the normally motor-mouthed science chief was quiet.

No, he was more than quiet. He was silent. Absolutely - silent.

Very little frightened John Sheppard. Faced with an absolutely silent Rodney McKay didn’t frighten him - but it sure made him damned nervous.


Okay, not so nervous now. He watched Rodney lower the binoculars and then notice John was standing there.

He gave a guilty little jump, his blue eyes narrowing slightly. “How long have you been standing there?”

John shrugged. “Not long. An hour or so.”

And he was treated to both Lantea’s amused laughter and the sight of all the colour draining from Rodney’s face. “An HOUR? And you didn’t tell me why because-oh. Right. Kidding.”

John grinned as Rodney glared at him. “What did you want to show me?”

“This. Look at this.” He put the binoculars in John’s hand. “There. Right out there.”

John looked and frowned. “wow… all that --- water.”

He could sense, rather than see, Rodney’s eyes roll. “Wait for it, huh?”

“Wait for-“ and then John’s breath went out of his body in a long sigh of admiration and shock as the massive white animal jumped out of the water and back into it, its tail sweeping through the air like a giant kite. He lowered the binoculars and looked at Rodney, one eyebrow raising.

Rodney nodded. “It’s my friend - he’s back.”

He handed the binoculars back. “I’ll go tell Elizabeth.” Rodney nodded, turning to look out over the ocean again.

John felt his lips thin as he strode down the corridors of the city. You’re awfully quiet, Lantea.

I know those things.

What are they?

I don’t know what they call themselves - but whenever they arrive, people die at alarming rates. I don’t want you to die, John.

Already told you, Lantea. I have no intention of dying. He found himself outside Elizabeth’s office, and knocked once on the wall before popping his head in.

Huh. Nobody here. Where’s Elizabeth, Lantea?

The medical bay.

The infirmary? He changed course and headed that way. What’s wrong?

It is not her. She is there for the Athosian princess.

Is she okay? Despite everything, John couldn’t help but smile when he heard what Lantea kept insisting on calling Teyla. Though the Athosians had no royalty to speak of and she was a full-fledged member of John’s team, Lantea affectionately called her ‘the Athosian princess’.

John had a sneaking suspicion she did it to gently tease John about his once-upon-a-time attraction to her.

I do not know, John. This is very strange. When this last happened, there were no ‘ghosts’ as you say. There was nothing of the sort. This is new - frightening.

Lantea - when what last happened?

When everyone died.

John sighed and rubbed his forehead again. That was all he could get out of Lantea every time he asked. She hadn’t been as sentient then as she was now, and she just did not have the clarity of memory to describe what they were facing.

It upset John, and it upset her even more. She was doing the best she could - they both knew that.

But they also knew if they couldn’t figure it out - and soon - Lantea’s worries of them dying might become more than a worry.

fiction-john, author-enola_jones

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