Tag for The Long Goodbye - Vow

Jul 17, 2007 11:56

Title: Vow
Word Count: 330
Rating: PG
Characters: Thalen, Phebus
Genre: Drama, Episode-tag (The Long Goodbye)
Disclaimer: Stargate and all related characters are the property of MGM Television Entertainment. Not done for profit, just for fun.

Summary: Why does he hate her?

Hi there, I'm new to this comm. I'm not sure about the rules about posting here, so any clarifying of mistakes would be great. I had this idea while watching Submersion, although I have no idea what’s the connection there. I thought I shouldn’t write it because I don’t have The Long Goodbye to watch and haven't seen it in a long time, but my muse is being so lazy lately that decided to give it a try to see if it helps. Sorry for any mistakes or inaccuracies.


The group of soldiers hid low in the thick forest, the brown uniforms camouflaged against the undergrowth. Thalen raised his head slowly and peered at the path far ahead.

Another group of soldiers trekked loudly unaware of his presence. Phebus’ battalion didn’t talk, just walked distractedly breaking branches and smashing leaves like a herd of gryons: big, heavy and clumsy. He grinned and shot a glance to his second in command nodding the go ahead of his plan. His men repositioned their guns and followed their targets. He also took aim and then fired.

The forest immediately erupted to a blare of fire and energy shots. Smoke covered the ground and acidic smell burned the nostrils. Shouts and yells were heard above the loud weapons without words. Only roars, grunts and cries of pain. Red blood flew through the air all around him. A loud thud reached his ears beside him and he turned. He stared in horror the image before his eyes as it blurred with tears of shock and anger.

Her beautiful slender body was lying lifelessly on the ground, her red long hair covering most of her perfect pale face and her very green eyes staring back at him completely soulless. He reached for her and touched her cheek gently, taking the persistent lock of hair away from it like he always had to do to look at her and closed her eyes. The tears ran freely across his face and he didn’t know if they were from pain, hatred, or both. Most probably the latter.

He raised his head with a slow calculated move and looked at the targeted path. There she was. Phebus. She was staring right back at him with a cold smile seconds before making a run for it and cowering away. At that moment Thalen swore to all divinities above this world that he would chase her across this galaxy and kill her. Even it was the last thing he ever did.

2nd season episode tags, author-erikah

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