Duet Tag

May 02, 2007 22:50

Title: Anyone For a Jog?
Rating: G
Author: seramercury
Characters: John, Rodney, Cadman

After a long day of dealing with Rodney and his... current situation, I needed to go for a jog and clear my head. I think we're going to have to give Cadman severance pay for this! I can't even imagine the trauma one would go through being stuck in Rodney McKay's body.

I was a little surprised when I turned the corner and nearly ran into said scientist. I stared at him a few minutes. Something seemed off about him. It looked like he'd been jogging... And is that his hand on his hip?

"Colonel?" he asked.

"What are you doing, Rodney?"

"Um," he said as he straightened his stance. "Just jogging, Sir."

Okay now I know something is wrong. Rodney would never call me 'Sir' in his right mind. "Lieutenant?"

"Oh, sorry, Sir. I guess you were a little confused."

"A bit. Rodney's going to kick your ass once the two of you are separated. That man can barely run a half a mile let alone the ten miles you do!"

Rodney, I mean, Cadman shrugged. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

This was so weird. Rodney's hands were moving, well girl-like, and it was freaking me out! I cleared my throat. "Well, I gotta go!" I exclaimed before she/he could say anymore.

I will be so happy when Cadman is returned to her body!

fiction-humour, 2nd season episode tags, fiction-rodney, fiction-minor chars, author-seramercury, fiction-john

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