(Another!) Outcast Tag: Levels of Expectation

Jul 14, 2014 00:07

Title: Levels of Expectation
Author: katstale
Rating: PG-13
Category: Gen
Word Count: 15,302
Characters: John & Dave Sheppard
Pairings: none
Spoilers/Warnings: Wee bit of mild language, but that's about it
Summary: Tag for Outcast (Season 4). The Sheppard boys finally have that talk after their father's wake.
Notes: When I wrote Good Night, Mr. Sheppard, Wherever You Are, it didn't turn out quite as I'd envisioned and I'd always intended to write another, one without Ghost-Patrick stealing the story. It has taken 5 years, but the boys finally decided to give in and spill their guts. Sort of. And boy, did they ever TALK!

Also, this tag has been edited but not beta'ed. Mostly because I have no clue where to even find a beta for SGA anymore, lol.

Levels of Expectation

P.S. It's been a REALLY long time since I've posted anything and I've forgotten a LOT about the procedure, so please let me know if I've missed any steps or tags. Thanks! -K

author-katstale, fiction-angst, 4th season episode tags, fiction-minor chars, fiction-john

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