Mind Over Matter, PG-13, Rodney POV, Ch. 6

Sep 08, 2011 06:55

Title: Mind Over Matter
Author: LaughtersMelody
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: In this chapter, only a reference to "Aurora."
Summary: When Sheppard returns from bereavement leave after his father's death, a discovery leads Atlantis to a new world and potentially valuable allies. But a secret from the planet's past might just wind up costing Rodney and Sheppard their lives.

A/N: We've finally come around to where the fic began, so you'll get to see just what happens to Rodney after that first scene. :D And don't worry, there are still four more chapters to go, so the fic isn't over yet.

As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would be utterly lost.

I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know what you think!

( Chapter 6 )

Links to the other chapters are at the bottom of each entry on my journal. :)

fiction-angst, fiction-rodney, author-laughtersmelody, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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