Mind Over Matter, PG-13, Rodney POV, Ch. 1

Aug 18, 2011 08:03

Title: Mind Over Matter
Author: LaughtersMelody
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Major spoilers for "Outcast," and the season one episode, "Childhood's End." A reference to "Critical Mass."
Summary: When Sheppard returns from bereavement leave after his father's death, a discovery leads Atlantis to a new world and potentially valuable allies. But a secret from the planet's past might just wind up costing Rodney and Sheppard their lives.

A/N: This is my long-overdue fic for the help_japan auction. It was won by caitriona_3 in March, who has been *infinitely* patient and understanding. She asked for Rodney and Sheppard friendship and brotherhood, and that is the focus of the story, though a few other bunnies worked their way in there too. Originally, it was supposed to be a 5 to 7 page one-shot, but it mutated into a multi-chapter, and it wound up about, oh, nine times longer than what I'd originally promised, lol. It is already complete, though, and I'm hoping to post a chapter every few days.

A/N2: Many, many thanks to my close friends, ladygris and roselani24, for all of their wonderful feedback and encouragement, and their constant willingness to serve as sounding boards! And of course, an incredible thank you to Darth Mom, the best beta in the Star Wars galaxy or any other.

As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his incredible grace, mercy and forgiveness. Without Him, I would be utterly lost.

I hope you enjoy it!

( Chapter 1 )

fiction-angst, fiction-rodney, author-laughtersmelody, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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