Dec 24, 2010 14:38

Title: A Pegasus Christmas
Author: x-erikah-x
Rating: PG
Character: focus on John Sheppard and appearances of the team
Word count: ~11,000
Genre: hurt/comfort with some a little side order of angst
Disclamer: Stargate and its characters belong to their respective owners. I do this for my love of John Sheppard and not to gain profit.
Summary: He decided to just suck it up and try to get through the month as quickly as possible. Probably his whole time would be devoted to juggling the lack of personnel in the several areas they were needed and trying not to think about his team. But then, when did things ever go according to plan in Pegasus?

A/N: Thanks so much sherry57 for the quickest beta I've ever had. Many Sheppard shaped cookies for you. Split in two parts due to length.

Why would the Pegasus Galaxy make things easy for John Sheppard even during Christmas?

fiction-angst, fiction-general, author-erikah, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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