Caldwell vs Weir...........

Nov 14, 2010 13:19

For some reason I was thinking of the two and who I would rather work with................and I feel Caldwell
Basically he is easier to follow and to read given how emphatic he is when it comes to mission etc. and how unwilling he is to
allow others to do whatever at a whim. I kind of feel Weir is too prone to that...................e.g. when Sheppard was
in the throes of metamorphosis in Conversion, he saw the reality much sooner than Weir did......................
I see no place in military for that sort of thing.
I realize I am approaching this differently than some may.
I feel that Sheppard was entirely wrong in dictating to Caldwell about Ford.................that is simply out of
line and had the writers had a military adviser, they may have given different thought to it.
It really bothers me to see Sheppard do something like that...............
because he is conscientious about his position. He may at times be somewhat of a maverick, but he still is conscientious.
You can be assertive with seniors without stepping over the line. I did. Granted it was difficult but
it must be done at times.........................I went through chain of command in some cases, but I forged ahead
In cases where I worked for the individual, I just knocked on their door and spoke up.
In some cases,  I was told later they respected me for stating my case............a
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