Boots, Ficlet, G, Nancy POV

Sep 09, 2010 05:46

Title: Boots
Author: LaughtersMelody
Rating: G
Spoilers: Major spoilers for “Outcast."
Summery: John’s combat boots sit at the bottom of the closet, next to his duffle bag. Nancy POV, pre-series.

A/N: I started college a couple weeks ago, and most of my spare time has vanished, lol. But, when I had a few free minutes, I stumbled across a monthly challenge here, and got the idea for this ficlet. The prompt that inspired me (if you haven't guessed, lol) was, “combat boots.” It has mentions of John/Nancy, but it's not really a romance, just a look at their canon relationship, so hopefully, it still fits in the gen category. :)

As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the source of all inspiration. :)

( Boots )

fiction-angst, monthly challenges, author-laughtersmelody, fiction-john

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