The Gift of Grace

Jan 23, 2010 01:03

Title: The Gift of Grace
Author: Gnat
Chapters: 1/1, more of a snippet really
Word count: 357
Rating: T, for language
Genre: Gen, Friendship, Angst (maybe a just little)
Characters: Sheppard, Weir
Warnings: Sappiness. Probably a little OOC. Changes in verb tenses.
Summary: Just a little chat between Weir and Sheppard.
Disclaimers: Don't own them. Never will. It is all in fun and no copyright infringement is intended. Don't sue. Unbeta'ed, all mistakes are mine. If you find any mistakes, feel free to let me know. Any and all comments are welcome.

A/N: I wrote this years ago and found it while cleaning. It was actually written for another fandom, but I feel that it works fairly well for SGA.

fiction-friendship, fiction-angst, fiction-general, fiction-weir, author-gnat, fiction-john

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