Battle Of Wills, PG-13

Jan 02, 2010 02:18

Title: Battle Of Wills
Author: LaughtersMelody
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: A small nod to the events in “Search And Rescue.”
Summary: If there was an award for the worst patient ever, Colonel Sheppard would win it hands down. One-shot. Keller POV.

A/N: This was written for the holiday hurt/comfort comment fic exchange on sgahcchallenges. If you have a chance, and you’re looking for some good hurt/comfort fics, I really recommend checking out the other stories there. :)

As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His mercy never ceases to amaze me.

( Battle Of Wills )

author-laughtersmelody, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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