Ficathon entry - Falling 3/4

Sep 05, 2009 15:49

Title: Falling

Author: Michele Cross

Rating/Pairing: PG/None

Characters: The team

Summary: The First Quarterly Ficathon Written story for Tridget, who shepwhump, team, puddlejumper scene.


Doctor Elizabeth Weir was trying to concentrate on the work in front of her and stop herself from glancing at the Stargate, hoping that they would get some news.

“I thought this might help, Ma’am.” Chuck handed her the coffee cup. “I’ve also sent down for some sandwiches for you as well. I know that you won’t leave the Gate room until we’ve had some news. I’m sure that nothing bad has happened.”

“Thank you, Chuck I hope that you’re right but I have a feeling that you might be wrong. Don’t ask me why.” Elizabeth sighed she sometimes felt as if she was playing den-mother for the two men who were her co-leaders. The way they argued and fought you would think that they hated each other. But that was not the true fact. They were the best of friends and if you cut one the other would bleed. She had seen Rodney’s reaction when John, captured by Kolya, had been fed on by a Wraith. She had also seen the look on John’s face when they thought they might lose Rodney to that ascension machine. Although Rodney was not the ‘go fight them off’ type of man he would be that kind of man if John needed it.

They were friends, her friends and knowing something was wrong and being unable to do nothing more to help was not easy. She just prayed that she hadn’t lost the pair of them. The expedition would never be the same again. She would never be the same.

“I guess time will tell, Ma’am. How long before you think that Major Lorne will contact us?” Chuck asked her worriedly. Considering he thought that nothing was wrong it wasn’t reassuring.

“Soon I hope, Chuck they left over two hours ago.” They should be on the main land soon and that just had to be good news, didn’t it? Surely there would have been more wreckage on the sea?

“Then it shouldn’t be long, Ma’am have some faith.” It was said gently and she knew he had this man’s support. He had stepped into Peter Grodin’s shoes seamlessly, although he was as upset as everyone else was at Peter’s death, the two of them had been close friends, very close friends indeed.

She could only nod as he walked back to his station and Elizabeth took the coffee and began to sip the beverage. She silently observed the Gate as she did so praying that her feeling would be proven wrong.

It was another ten minutes before Elizabeth finally could do no more waiting and she tapped at her earpiece. “Weir to Lorne.”

“Lorne here, Doctor has the Colonel or Doctor McKay contacted you?” Lorne’s voice was clear over the connection.

“No, Major no response to our fifteen minute calls. I take it you’ve found nothing?” She sighed, that could be a good thing…. Or a dreadful one. If the jumper had sunk intact or almost intact as had happened in the past with Rodney they would never find them.

“No, Ma’am the sea is like a pond it’s so still with no sign of anything that could have belonged to a jumper. Has Doctor Z picked up anything on the Sub cut transmitters?” Lorne asked as Elizabeth walked out onto the Gate room floor.

“Not that he has told me. Let me ask. Radek have you received anything from the Colonel’s or Rodney’s transmitters?” She had her fingers of her left hand crossed as she waited. There had to be some good news sooner rather than later.

“No Elizabeth it is most odd there should be something from them but there is nothing, just poof and nothing. It is as if they vanished just like that.” Radek Zelenka clicked his fingers. “As if they are hidden or something.”

“Ok, please keep trying?” There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. It wasn’t aimed at Radek and she patted his shoulder gently to let him know that. It was just that she had hoped he would have something. “There is nothing showing up this end, Major please pro…”

“Wait a moment, Ma’am there is something unusual showing up on the shore. I need to speak to Teyla to confirm if it is new or if it has always been here. I’ll contact you back when I’ve spoken to her. Lorne out.”

With that the link went dead and they were all left to wonder what it was that they had seen and could it lead them to the missing friends.


Teyla looked at the sun as she exited the tent she had been working in and sighed. There had been no news on John and Rodney and the sun was beginning to make it’s way high into the sky. They should have been here a long time ago and she was beginning to feel as agitated as Ronon as to what they should be doing.

She had made up her mind to speak with Elizabeth and was on her way to the radio hut when she was joined her journey by a small sticky hand, she looked down with a smile, knowing all too well who it would be when she did so.

”Good morning, Fallon are you well this morning?” Although she had spoken with Fallon earlier that morning before the breaking of their fast it had been a little while ago and it helped the children of their camp learn the etiquette that would be expected of them later in life.

“G moaning, Tewa.” The little one grinned up at her to reveal that two front teeth had fallen out since the last time that they had met. No wonder she was lisping when she spoke. She would have to ask Halling if the first tooth rite had been observed. It was a rite that had been observed for a long time in the Athosian people. Teyla’s own family had headed the ceremony as it was handed to by generation to generation to show that babyhood was over and that childhood and helping in the family home was well on the way. “We see Wony?”

“Wony?” For a moment she had no idea what the child was asking until she had a sudden thought. “Oh! You mean Ronon?”

“Yep Wony.” There was satisfaction on Fallon’s face at being understood for a change.

Teyla had to hide her laughter at that, the thought of her larger friend being called ‘Wony’ John and Rodney would laugh their socks off, she had heard that term from Rodney one time they were on a mission and it had stuck. This time the thought had dropped the laughter from her face and she lifted Fallon onto her hip. “Yes, Fallon Ronon will be there and we need to get him to you.”

Teyla had just reached the hut she wanted when her earpiece chirped. She placed Fallon to the floor. “Go and find Ronon.”

She watched Fallon toddle through the door and answered the beep. “Teyla here Major Lorne what have you found if anything?”

“I’m not sure, Teyla. There’s a stretch of beach as you come in from Atlantis on the right hand side of the village, you know the area I’m speaking of?” Lorne sounded puzzled even to her across the radio.

“I believe I do, Colonel Sheppard has often commented that it would be a good area to…” She fumbled for the right word. “To catch the waves?”

“Yes, that sounds like the Colonel.” The voice sounded vaguely amused to her.

“What can I help you with?” Teyla asked as she entered the tent and motioned to her earpiece with her hand and smiled at Fallon who was in her favourite spot on Ronon’s knee.

“Did the beach in this area have a large mound? Almost an oval mound?” Lorne asked serious once more.

“No it was flat. There has never been a mound like that since we have been on the main land.” It was Teyla’s turn to be confused.

“I think we need to look at this and eliminate this as being the jumper.” Evan Lorne said, looking once more at the mound, from this distance it didn’t look as if it would be big enough for a jumper to be under that mound. But then again the distance could be deceiving.

“I’ll go too.” Ronon placed Fallon on the floor. It was obvious to her that he got the gist of the conversation. “Which side of the beach?”

Teyla held her hand out to Ronon and talked into the radio. “Ronon is also going out to the area he should get there before you. Please let me know what you find.” It was nothing short of a plea to her friends.

She was given the affirmative on that from both sides.

“Look after Fallon?” Ronon asked her as he stood.

“No we will give her to her mother. I am coming with you. I know that area like the back of my hand. I can take you there without hesitation.” She was relieved when Ronon bowed to her experience in this matter.

When they came out into the light and heat of what would soon be a beautiful day. Halling was standing in the middle of the village talking with his son, Jinto. They looked up as they approached.

“Teyla is there any news of Colonel Sheppard?” It was Jinto that spoke nervously too her.

“Perhaps but we are not sure yet, I am taking Fallon home and then Ronon and I are going to head out to the beach and look to see what has changed there.” Teyla could only tell them what she knew.

“Jinto will take Fallon to her family, do you wish to have some men to look for Colonel Sheppard?” Halling would do all he could to help the Lanteans. As they had done for the Athosians.

“That would be most helpful, Halling. Thank you.” She had just been about to ask for some help as well.

“Can I help find Colonel Sheppard, Father? Please?” Jinto had not made a move to walk Fallon back to her parents.

“I do not think that this is the time for you to be playing with your friends on the beach, Jinto.” Halling looked at his son with a stern expression.

“I would not be playing with my friends on the beach, Father I would help to look for Colonel Sheppard and Doctor McKay as they have done for me when I have been missing.” Jinto’s voice was earnest.

“I do not know…” Halling could all too clearly remember a time when they were still living on Atlantis and Jinto had been missing. John Sheppard had done all he could to reunite father and son, John’s help was something he would always be grateful for.

“Please, Father? I will not get in the way, I promise.” Jinto looked at him, eyes wide and worried. “I could take Riku.” Riku was his beloved pet. It was a cross between a dog and a cat and was excellent for tracking when they were hunting for meat for the supper meal.

“It will be down to Teyla.” Halling deferred to Teyla.

“You may come on the condition that should we find Colonel Sheppard and Doctor McKay you will do exactly as Ronon or I say.” Teyla knew the dog’s help as well as Ronon’s tracking would help them greatly. “Can you do this?”

“Yes, I can.” Jinto agreed solemnly. “Would it be an idea to get Colonel Sheppard’s shirt that he left the last time he was here? Riku could use it for the scent.”

“That would be of great help.” Ronon told him, smiling at the teenager as he dashed off.

“You do not have to take him with you.” Halling was just as serious as his son vanished into their dwelling tent.

“He wishes to help, Halling it is not nice waiting for news like this, you know that as much as I, rather than pestering you it might be better to have Jinto doing something rather than moping around.” Teyla told him with a gentle smile. “He will be of help, trust me.”

“Always, Teyla.” They were all ready when Jinto returned to their side with the dog and shirt in hand.

As they all watched he scented the dog and within seconds and a gentle nod they were on their way, following Ronon and the dog.

On to Part 4

1st quarterly ficathon

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