Burning Man

Aug 24, 2009 23:21

Title: Burning Man
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sheppard, team
Warnings: No major spoilers
Recipient: kriadydragon
Prompt: Sheppard H/C; Sheppard in a humiliating/overwhelming situation (not non-con or gender-switch), but one that isn't funny, and the team or one of the team having to stand up for him or, at least, try to make him more comfortable (can be on Atlantis, off-world or both); illness or injury

Written for the sheps_atlantis 1st Quarterly Ficathon.

Huge thanks to everybetty for the beta!

Burning Man

1st quarterly ficathon, author-coolbreeze1, fiction-team, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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