SGA Fic: Truth in Action - 1st Quarterly Ficathon

Aug 16, 2009 01:11

Title: Truth in Action
Author: tridget
Genre: Gen, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Rating: PG
Warnings: Occasional language.
Spoilers: “Trinity”
Word Count: ~13,600
Prompt: Written for the sheps_atlantis 1st Quarterly Ficathon for linziday who wanted Rodney completely run down (emotionally, physically or both), team fun, and a Rodney and Ronon friendship moment.
Summary: The Doranda disaster was just the beginning of trouble for Rodney.
Notes: Thank you to wildcat88 for such patient and thorough guidance and for suggesting I 'gamble' with the team fun scene.

Truth in Action - Chapter One
Truth in Action - Chapter Two

1st quarterly ficathon, fiction-friendship, author-tridget, 2nd season episode tags, fiction-whump, fiction-angst, fiction-rodney, fiction-general, fiction-ronon

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