1st Quarterly Ficathon

Jun 22, 2009 18:57

Having reconciled myself to the impossibility of squeezing anything in between Big Bang and NaNoWriMo, I've decided to go ahead with the ficathon, in hopes of squeezing it in before the start of the fall school term. So...

1. All stories must contain characters from Stargate: Atlantis.
2. All stories should be a minimum 1,000 words.
3. All stories should be rated, spell-checked and beta read before posting.
4. Not allowed: above R-rated, slash, RPF/RPS
5. If you can't finish your story by the due date, please let me know when it will be finished.
6. If you can't finish your story at all, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can find a back up writer.
7. All requests must contain a valid email address.
8. Any questions? message me here at LJ or email me at kln1671@yahoo.com (but be sure to but ficathon in the subject line.)

Requests end: June 30 by midnight west coast time.
Assignments handed out: July 3 midnight west coast time.
Stories due: August 10 - August 15.

Sign Up:
If you'd like to participate, please reply to this post with the following information. (All comments will be screened in order to keep the requests a surprise.)

What you will write:
What you will not write:
Three things you want in your story:
Three things you don't want in your story:
Are you willing to be a backup writer:

1st quarterly ficathon

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