Ficathon story for Linziday

Mar 24, 2009 10:17

Title: Alone
Author: leafiesgirl
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Team + Carson
Disclaimer: I don’t own it; wish I did.
Prompts: written for linziday who wanted Rodney McKay, a dog or dog-like creature, and a pie.
Notes: Many apologies for it's lateness.
Word Count: 7, 325


Darkness had fallen a little earlier this evening, a sure sign that winter was just around the corner and the colder weather to come.

Bird song filled the air as day gradually fell into darkness. From the tree’s base, which was covered with bracken fallen from the surrounding trees, a nose poked its way out and sniffed the air. Nothing happened for long seconds before the nose sniffed once more and then a head appeared. It was ruffled and full of brown brittle leaves and small twigs caught in the hair that covered said head.

Slowly and cautiously a body, scrawny and thin followed until the entire body could be seen in the moon lit area. It stood sniffing the area, still on the alert for trouble should it arise.

But there was nothing around to cause trouble and there had been nothing since he was a baby safe and warm in her arms. Who she had been, he didn’t know but he could recall the feeling of safety and warmth along with regular food. No hunting and scrounging as he had to do all the time now.

Food was hard to find, to the point that now he was hunting the small animals that lived in the bracken.

Water was easy to find, it was everywhere around him. He didn’t need to look for that. It was fun to relieve himself on the houses and buildings that he would have been scolded for doing so before.

Before that night that everything changed. The night that the people he lived with had moved without him. They had vanished into rays of blue lights screaming, leaving him all alone to fend for himself.

His wanderings this night took him to the large round object that his people had worshiped. Before that night, before the screams, before he hid.

The ring hadn’t worked since that night, and he’d been wary for so long, but over the last few nights he had become bolder, coming a little nearer each time the day turned to night. He never ventured out during the day, in case they came for him and took him away as well.

All that was forgotten when he caught the scent of his favourite prey, and he moved stealthily away. He crossed half of the clearing, making sure to stay out of sight so that he would have the advantage.

He was just about to pounce when the ring started to light up slowly and surely with a groan of old age, not that he knew what that was.

He gave a yelp and hid in the bracken, his hackles raised, watching as one after another the lights on the circle lit and then with a whoosh the blue water surged out of the center of the ring.

He watched trembling to see what, if anything, would come through and if it would be the creatures that had taken away his people. He tried to stay silent but a whimper sounded in the sudden quiet.

He managed to stop that when suddenly and with a ‘plop’ as if exiting from water a figure came through the blue fluid. Yet it didn’t look at all wet and he would admit that was confusing. When he came out of water he was always wet, even when it was miserable and raining he was wet.

The figure was followed by another, and another until four people stood there in front of him.

“PX199238, just the planet we want as an Alpha site, Sheppard. Hay fever, dust and who knows what just waiting to attack us once again!” The voice made him pull back even more. There was something strident in the tone, something that made him uneasy.

“You know that Beckett gave you all the shots needed so stop whining.” The other man’s voice was friendly and he decided that he liked this person.

“I am not whining! I’m just… making a pertinent point.” The figure was fixed on something that he was holding in his hands. “Who knows what the MALP missed on its trip over. Dinosaurs maybe?”

“That was a fluke and ages ago so settle down, Rodney.” The dark haired man shrugged the other man off. “Too bad it’s night though. I can’t believe that they got the times mixed up like this. Chuck said it would be mid-afternoon!”

“What do you expect, a 100 percent pass rate?” There was a snide tone to the voice from the lighter-haired man.

“No, but it would’ve been nice to get started checking out the place rather than setting up camp right away.” Dark haired man then set about ordering how he wanted the camp set up. A little away from the stone ring so that should it activate then they wouldn’t be caught in the flow of water.

Soon the smell of cooking permeated the night air and he found his nose twitching and his mouth watering. It had been so long since he’d had food from human hands, since he’d had warmth and companionship. He couldn’t help the whimper that escaped him.


John Sheppard settled Rodney McKay down as the scientist continued to mutter under his breath about empty and odd worlds. “Ronon, you and Teyla check out the perimeter while McKay and I set up camp on this side and look around the immediate area.”

“Sure, Sheppard.” Ronon Dex said nothing more, just looked to Teyla and soon they were leaving the area.

“Set up camp?” Rodney looked astounded by this. “Do you have any idea what this will do to my back? It’s bad enough to possibly die of allergies or attack from strange animals let alone injuring my back as well!”

John Sheppard looked at his friend with a small smile on his face. “A little exercise will do you some good, Rodney. There are no nasty animals, I’m sure and it might be an idea to be ready for full night fall. After all, I’m sure you want some food before we settle for the night?”

Rodney looked at his friend, his lip twisted to one side as he realised that his friend was joking with him. “It’s not my fault I have hypoglycaemia and have to eat regularly. Not like you who barely eats enough to satisfy one of Carson’s lab rats!”

“And you know that Carson says I eat more than enough.” The reply was quick.

“You see I kn… He does? When did he say that?” Rodney realized what Sheppard had said in that split second.

“My last physical. He said that I was fine so drop it, McKay.” There was a hint of sharpness in John’s voice as he looked away from his friend.

“Ok.” It was not often that Rodney McKay gave into a person but this was one of them. He knew that it was a sensitive issue for John after the last mission had gone so badly. It was also why they were on this mission, not that he would admit it to Sheppard, ever. Elizabeth had made that clear to all of them while John was still recovering. That this mission would be the first one that they took when John was finally allowed back on duty, a nice, easy way to get him off world again; a simple mission to get John Sheppard back into the groove without anything going south on them. Rodney McKay knew John would hate it if he knew that he was being treated like a piece of fragile pottery that could shatter at any moment.

“Good. Let’s get moving then.” John didn’t even glance at Rodney as if this was nothing new.

Rodney didn’t complain any more as they set up the camp. If he noticed that John winced now and again he said nothing but just filed it away so that he could talk to Carson Beckett when they got back to Atlantis.

Their last mission was never discussed, only once in the debriefing once John had been strong enough and then never again. Not that Rodney blamed John. It had been an awful end to an awful mission and that they had almost lost John to his injuries had only made it worse. Whether or not John had spoken to Kate Heightmeyer he didn’t know. Maybe he had; Rodney knew that he and the others on their team had.

John’s appetite had taken some time to come back and despite Carson’s worry and help, he had lost a lot of weight. Not all of it had been replaced, leaving John’s clothes to hang on him in a way that made it look as if he had raided his father’s wardrobe, not that Rodney knew if John’s father was still alive; John never spoke of him.

In fact now that he thought of it, John was very good at letting others speak about family and friends when they were a little homesick or ill but he never talked about his own. Ever.

“See? Told you it wouldn’t take too long.” John’s voice brought him back to the present with a bit of a start.

Rodney looked around; the tent was all finished.

“Now we need a fire, get that food going. You ok?” Hazel eyes looked at him worriedly. Rodney had barely spoken a word since they’d started to get the tents up and even now he seemed to be deep in thought.

“Yeah, I’m good. You need wood and kindling?” Rodney was not going to let John carry that much back, no matter how much he hated it and tried to act as if he was fully fit when he wasn’t yet.

“Yeah, I’ll…” John started to say it wouldn’t take him long but was interrupted.

“Clear the ground. I’ll get the wood.” Rodney was already walking away and John could only shake his head amused at what a change had happened to his friend since they had arrived from Earth. If any one had told him then that Rodney McKay was a softie under that obnoxious exterior, he probably would’ve laughed at them. Now he knew better.

John got to work clearing the ground and getting some large but manageable rocks so that the fire would be contained in a round circle. Once he had finished he trotted over to his pack and rooting through his bag finally found what he was looking for. The pack of Tylenol that Carson Beckett had insisted that he bring with him. He hadn’t wanted to bring them but the doctor had insisted. Now he was rather glad that he’d followed the advice.

He dry swallowed two of them and looking at the small blister packs broke off a few and put them in one of the pockets at the front of his tac vest. They would be within easy reach should he need them and he could take them without the others knowing. It wasn’t that he wanted to hide them just that he didn’t want them to know that he was still in pain at times.

It was just as he pressed the flap closed on the pocket that Rodney returned and soon they had a nice healthy fire going and food cooking.

It was as Ronon and Teyla returned that John felt that they were being watched. He sat still and looked warily around, his hand automatically going to his P90.

“What is it, John?” Teyla was the first one to notice that he was suddenly on the alert.

“You sure that we’re alone on this planet?” John’s voice was tense.

“As sure as we can be; there was nothing that came up on the MALP’s scan.” Rodney was reaching for the LSD that was now a part of the kit. How they had managed without them before he didn’t know.

“What about large animals?” John’s voice was now tense.

“None that were noticed.” Rodney looked at him worriedly.

“Animals, small animals that could have slipped by the sensors?” John was looking around now, standing on the alert and Ronon had joined him.

“I guess. What do you think it is?” No sooner had Rodney spoken than the low whimper could be heard. “What is it?” There was now a hint of panic in his voice.

“Over there.” John was moving swiftly Ronon joining him with his blaster in his hand at the ready.

John gently moved the foliage, what ever this was hadn’t attacked them even now he had been found out. That was one point in favor for whoever/whatever this was.

He moved it to find large brown eyes looking at him. “It’s a puppy!”

Ronon shrugged, replaced his blaster and made it back to the fire and food. There was no danger from the creature it seemed.

“Hey there , little guy what are you doing here all on your own?” John’s voce was soft and gentle and he held out his hand to be sniffed. Slowly and with the bribe of food the dog like creature gradually followed John so that he was by the fire.

“What is it?” Rodney asked, no longer worried by the creature now.

“A dog I think.” The creature was small and thin; they could even see its ribs as he breathed in and out. A small tail wagged at them as he took more of the food that was offered him.

“That’s a dog?” There was a snort of laughter from Rodney. “That looks like no dog that I’ve ever seen!”

“Not all dogs look alike.” John glared at him but he also had to admit that this looked like no dog he had ever seen either. Its muzzle was long and tapered into a point. It also had two stub like features between its ears that made it look more like a baby dragon than a dog. He stroked it gently between the stubs and the creature began to make a strange sound between a purr and growl. “See he means no harm.”

“You’re only encouraging him. Elizabeth won’t let him stay on Atlantis and what then? Feeding him like this is no good. What will happen when we leave? He’ll be alone again and be back to square one.” Rodney, had he been standing, would have had his hands on his hips and be glaring at his friend.

“I’m sure I can persuade Elizabeth. I know that Jinto was hoping to get a new dog since his old one died.” John’s voice was quiet and sad. The small Athosian boy had loved the old dog. “We just need to make sure that Halling agrees.”

“I am sure that he will; he was saying that they were looking for another dog.” Teyla smiled gently at them, it was hard to find another dog on what was to all intents and purposes an uninhabited world.

“Good, I’ll contact Atlantis tomorrow and let them know so that they can contact Halling and Elizabeth will be all happy.” John’s grin was infectious and Teyla could not help but smile.

“I bet it’s got fleas or the Pegasus Galaxy variety.” Rodney looked at the dog and glared at John. “The next thing will be you giving the thing a name.”

“He is not a ‘thing’ Rodney and the fleas if he has them can be taken care of. As for a name I think...Meredith would be a very good one.” John winked at Teyla.

“Ha ha very funny.” Rodney glared at him even more.

“No that wouldn’t be fair on the poor fella, I’ll have to think about it.” John tried to hold the laughter inside.

“Funny I don’t think. Perhaps we could call it Spike, in deference to your ‘spikes’.” Rodney had to John back.

“Yeah, that’s a good temporary name. What do you think, Spike?” The tail wagged for John as he spoke. “I somehow think that’s a yes.”

Spike left his side and made his way to Ronon who made a great fuss of him before going to Teyla and receiving the same fuss albeit a little more gently.

Rodney looked at him worriedly. “Don’t you come near me. I don’t like dogs, or pseudo dogs. I prefer cats, anytime you hear? Cats!”

Spike took no notice and made his way to over and looked at Rodney in a puzzled sort of manner.

“What are you looking at me for?” Rodney glared at him.

Still Spike didn’t move.

“I’ll make a deal I’ll stroke you once and then you go back to flyboy over there, right? Is that a deal?” Rodney was glaring at him.

Spike nodded his head once. As if he totally understood what Rodney was saying.

Rodney sighed at that and then petted the animal awkwardly. “There all done, go back to Sheppard.”

As soon as the animal was by John’s side Rodney reached into his pack and pulled out a small bottle of antibacterial hand wash. He used it and then replaced it in his pack, glaring at Spike all of the time.

“That wasn’t so bad was it, Rodney?” John teased before becoming serious. “Rodney I want you taking first watch. Teyla the second. Ronon third and I’ll take fourth. I know it all seems quiet but you never know.”

“Right.” Rodney was pleased John knew how much he preferred the first stint of watch, he could finish what ever he had absorbed himself with.

Soon they were all settled down, Spike lay by the fire but seemed to be on the alert; should anything happen he would know.

The night followed a familiar pattern. Rodney’s shift was quiet, Spike lay just in front of him.

Teyla’s shift was just as quiet with Spike by her side.

Ronon spent the entire time of his watch making sure that the fire was tended to and then sat with Spike’s head on his knee watching in case something happened.

By the time Ronon had woken John and settled in his tent Spike had settled by the person he had chosen as his ‘special’ friend, Rodney.

John Sheppard had to smile at the sight and pulled the camera he had learned to take with him on missions and quickly took a couple of photos, grinning when Rodney reached out in his sleep and cuddled the dog to him. That picture would make wonderful blackmail material should it come to it.

His shift was just as quiet until shortly before dawn. He was making his usual walk around the vicinity when the Gate suddenly started working.

Ronon was by his side in a second. They watched as the circle’s ‘wave’ settled into the usual blue puddle. They watched as it was broken by the tip of a point and then a Wraith Dart sailed through and over them.

“Damn, wake Rodney.” He had no doubt that Teyla was already dousing the fire.

Ronon ran back to their small camp.

John Sheppard watched as two more Darts made their way through and over his head.

Something bumped his hand. He looked down to see Spike. “Seen them before, huh?”

Spike seemed to nod his head at that.

A sound came from behind him and he whirled, hand on his P90 ready to fire.

The Wraith burst into view and hissed as it saw its prey. John didn’t waste a second; he fired the weapon making the Wraith stagger back with the force of the bullets. Not that it stopped him; he continued to come at John.

Spike was growling at Wraith; his hackles raised and teeth bared.

“Are you ready to die, human?” The Wraith hissed at John, its voice and bearing haughty.

“I don’t think that I’m ready to do that today.” John told him with a shrug. Then fired off another round.

It did little to deter the Wraith and they were soon in hand to hand combat. John felt a rib go in his right side as the Wraith landed a well placed punch. John hit the Wraith back with enough force that it made the Wraith stumble to the side.

By the time it raised itself upright, John was standing straight, not letting it see that it had hurt him, his P90 unwaveringly pointed right at the Wraith.

“You won’t win you know. Tom, I think I’ll call you Tom.” John told him making the Wraith hiss once more.

“You will have no chance, Human I will delight in tasting your defiance.” The Wraith came closer. John side stepped and kicked out at the Wraith sending it staggering once more. The sound of Ronon’s blaster took his attention away for just one split second. Just that one short moment and before he knew it he was flying through the air, the pain in his chest increasing. Then he was landing on the hard ground and smacking his head on a rock that lay there.

It took his breath away and dazed him for a second. His eyesight greyed as the Wraith came into view, its mouth smiling and full of the awful teeth that they had.

“Puny humans, you always think that you can get away, that you can flee from us but you can’t. We always get that which we want. Are you ready to meet death?” His feeding hand was raised and ready to plunge down into his chest as he’d felt when Todd had both fed on him and then returned him to his normal age by reversing the feeding.

There was nothing that he could do as the hand plunged down to meet his chest, the pain in both his chest and head making him unable to defend himself no matter how he wanted to fight.

Two things happened then. Both at once and John was too shaken for them to really sink in.

There was a growl and a black blur raced by him and sunk his teeth into the Wraith’s arm, pulling him off John’s chest. Then there was a cry of “Sheppard!” and the sound of a blaster firing and the Wraith falling.

The pain in his chest was too great for him to stand, too great for him to even move. All he could do was lay there and wait.

The sound of the blaster came twice more before darkness drew him into its warmth.


Rodney McKay raced to his friend’s side, ignoring the now very dead Wraith on the ground. “Sheppard!”

Spike was still growling at the dead Wraith while Ronon checked to make sure that it really was dead.

“Ronon, we need to get Sheppard back to Atlantis. The Wraith started to feed!” Rodney informed them as Teyla joined them.

“The Wraith are all dead.” There was satisfaction in her voice. She knelt by John on the opposite of Rodney. “How is he?” She was glad to see that he had no grey in his riot of hair.

“His pulse is racing and he hit his head badly. I can’t wake him up.” Rodney told her worriedly.

“We do need to get him to Atlantis, Ronon.” Teyla agreed with Rodney at this fact.

“I’ll carry him.” Ronon kicked the dead Wraith again with a scowl. He then made Spike release his death grip on the Wraith. “Come on, he’s not going to hurt anyone.”

Spike happily let go and trotted after Ronon equally as happily.

Soon they were all ready to leave. It had been decided that they could send back some Marines to clean up and bring the camping equipment back to Atlantis.

“We can’t take that back to Atlantis; Elizabeth would go nuts!” Rodney looked at them with a mixture of shock and annoyance.

“Sheppard wanted him and Spike did save his life.” Ronon shrugged. For him it was that simple.

“But… “ Rodney was gaping at him.

“I will talk to Elizabeth, Rodney. Jinto wishes to have a dog and I think this little one will be nice for him, he is intelligent and brave. All we can do is take him with us. We cannot leave him here to die.” As Teyla was speaking Spike moved so that he was beside her, his head resting on John’s arm watching over him just as an Earth dog would do.

Rodney felt his heart soften just a little as he took in the scene. “Ok but if Elizabeth gets mad don’t look at me.”

“We will not.” Teyla told him, as she looked around for a length of rope to act as a leash. Finding one that she was happy with among their belongings she bent to place it gently over Spike’s head making a slip knot so that he would not run off should he be panicked by the wormhole and his first ever trip through the Gate. She looked him in the eye when she had finished. “Spike, we are going to take you to our home. It will be warm and there will be plenty of people to fuss over you and all the food you can eat until we can find you a home. I will be with you all the time, we all will be, so you have no need to panic or be scared. I hope that you understand.” The last was said wistfully.

Spike seemed to listen to her and when she had finished he put his paw out on her arm and nodded. She reached out with a worried smile and stroked his muzzle when she had finished he licked her hand gently.

“Perhaps we should warn Elizabeth and get Carson ready and waiting.” Rodney was packing up the electrical and Ancient equipment that he had brought with him and slung the back pack into position on his back. “Oh yuck, you don’t know where that mouth has been!” Rodney caught sight of Teyla with Spike.

“He is an animal who has been left to fend for himself. I would presume that his people were culled.” Teyla shot John a sad look at where was cradled gently in Ronon’s arms. Her friend blamed himself so much for the waking of the Wraith even though she had told him a multitude of times that they would have woken naturally anyway. That was the way it had always been. They had just woken a little… well a lot, earlier. Still, he should not have to carry the burden alone, not when they were as much to blame as he. “I have no fear with him.” She tickled between his ‘horns’ as she spoke.

“Even so… germs and all that.” Rodney was shaking his head. Then he sighed. “I’ll dial the gate while you get ready.” He moved off to make his way to the DHD.

Teyla stood and gently pulled on the rope to see how Spike managed with the unusual and never before known leash. He trotted happily beside her. He did not take his eyes off John the entire time, almost as if he trusted her to make sure that he did not walk into anything while his attention was focused on the colonel.

“We are ready, Ronon.” Teyla moved to Ronon’s side and Spike gently sniffed one of John’s hands that had fallen when Ronon had lifted him up. He licked it with a whine, straining to get nearer to the man who had first helped him.

They hurried to the Stargate and Rodney who was talking so fast it was amazing.

“Yes, Elizabeth you heard right the mission is a bust. The Wraith have culled the people and almost got us! Sheppard’s been fed on and we need to get to Atlantis now for medical aid!” Rodney was rolling his eyes; this was the second time he had tried to explain. “We also have a dog that will be coming back with us. Yes I know we have a no pet policy, despite the fact that you let Carson keep his mice. The dog is earmarked for Jinto so stop worrying about that. Now can we get Sheppard back? Thank you!” The last was said with a hint of sarcasm. “Lets go; they’re letting the shield down.”

When they nodded back to him they all stepped through the Gate.

The Gate room was filled with the usual marines at the ready in case of some problem with security and waiting not so patiently at the back was Carson Beckett and his medical team. Waiting with them was a worried looking Elizabeth Weir.

“Come on then, laddie let’s have him on the gurney. Has he woken at all?” Carson was on the job right away.

Ronon lay his precious load down onto the gurney. “Nah, he hasn’t.”

“Rodney is that the dog?” Elizabeth sounded as worried about that as she was about John, even though as she passed the gurney she looked down and bit her lip.

“Yes, meet Spike, Spike meet Elizabeth.” Rodney rolled his eyes, talk about mentioning the obvious.

“That’s not funny, Rodney.” Elizabeth shot him an angry look. It didn’t stop her from kneeling down and making a fuss of Spike. He enjoyed every bit of it, his stumpy tail wagging ten to the dozen. “I would like him checked out to make certain he has no fleas and things like that. Carson will have to do that. He knows about it already.”

“I bet he’s gonna love that.” Rodney’s grin was infectious.

“He did mention it a few times.” This time Elizabeth shared the grin with Rodney. “What happened? You said that John was fed on?”

She shot a look to where Carson and his people gathered around the gurney. She hadn’t managed to get a good look at John as she had passed by so she didn’t know how bad this was.

“I think we got to him in time. It had just started feeding, but there’s also a head injury of some kind.” Rodney had just spotted the blood that covered Ronon’s sleeve where John had lain.

“Right we need ta move.” Carson was pulling off the bloody gloves as he spoke. “The three o’ ye can come an’ have ye post-mission check as well. And bring that wee pooch wi’ye too.”

“Carson how is John?” Elizabeth asked for the others as well as herself.

“He has a wee head injury that’s gonna take a few stitches tae close but I’m not too concerned about it. He has a wee concussion but again I’m not concerned with that.” Carson explained only to be interrupted by Rodney.

“Oh that’s good, if that’s all what are you worried about?” There was more than a hint of worry in his voice.

Carson didn’t take offence at the tone of Rodney’s voice, he knew it wasn’t meant for him and was just a mixture of anger and worry at the situation in general. “I am worried about the fact that he’s still unconscious an’ the fact that the feedin’ mark on his chest, slight though it is, is still bleedin’ slightly. We are doin’ some tests ta try an’ find out why but until then all we can do is wait for him ta waken.”

“Can we see him, Carson?” It was not Rodney but Teyla who asked as Rodney pondered the last point made by Carson.

“Aye, Lassie ye can but I need ya ta be calm an’ quiet John needs his rest.” For Carson John’s last visit to his Infirmary was too close for his liking and that fact that not six weeks had passed since John had been discharged didn’t help the situation at all.

“We will be silent.” Teyla shot a look at her male team members.

“You said the feeding mark was slight?” Rodney’s sharp brain had caught up with them.

“Aye it looks as if Ronon got tae John before the Wraith really got a good lock on with his hand. I have him monitored just as a precaution but I really don’ think that there’s been any damage done thank the Lord.” Carson sighed and brushed a hand through his hair. “I will be keeping’ him a couple a days so that I can make sure that he really is alright.”

“John won’t like that, Carson.” Elizabeth could not hide her relief at his words.

“Well, this time he can just accept it.” There was no room for arguments in Carson’s voice. “Is this the wee one ye want be ta take a look at?” He gestured at Spike.

“Yes, he apparently will be going to Jinto as soon as you ok him and Halling agrees to let him join them. What we’ll do if he says no…” Elizabeth’s sigh sounded just as tired as Carson’s.

“They will take him.” It was nothing less than a promise from Teyla. “If Halling will not then there are other families.”

“Thank you, Teyla. I just could not face the IOA with the fact that there is a pet dog on Atlantis. I know they will not allow it. But for a short time I think it will be alright.” Elizabeth followed as Carson led the way into the Infirmary with Teyla and Spike following right behind him and the others following behind them.

“I’ll make sure that he’s fine.” Carson told them. “Well as much as I can not being a vet.”

“That is all we ask.” Elizabeth was thankful that he would try. She knew it was asking a lot of her Chief of Medicine.

When they reached the bed nearest to the one that John lay so still upon Teyla bent to speak to Spike.

“Spike, Carson is just going to check you over to see that aside from being hungry you are healthy and once he has finished I will make sure that you get something nice to eat. He won’t hurt you.” Teyla spoke to the animal as if he was human and could understand her. She ignored the fact the Elizabeth and Carson stood there watching her as if she had grown a second head.

Spike looked at her and then nodded just the once but Teyla knew that he was fully aware of what she had said.

“Good boy.” Teyla gently patted his head. “Can you jump up here?” She patted the bed.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to say something but closed it when she realized that there was nothing to say when Spike nodded again and jumped up onto the bed and sat waiting as if he did this all the time.

“Well, I’d say the lad is intelligent that’s fer sure.” Carson told them amazed as what he had just seen.

“That was amazing.” Elizabeth agreed.

“Right ye can visit with John until I’ve seen ta this wee one an’ then ye can leave and let him rest.” Carson ushered them to John’s side and then began to check the dog over.


John groaned as he made his way back to consciousness. The headache that beat in his temples would make a good rhythm for a jazz band.

“Are ye in there, Laddie?” The voice was soft and just the right timber of someone who knew how to speak to someone whose head was just about to fall off.

Even so John tried to open his eyes. He just about managed a squint before the pain hit harder than ever before.

He couldn’t stop the groan that left his lips and then groaned even more at the pain that increased from the first groan.

“Easy there, lad ye have quite a concussion there. Take ye time and open them slowly.” The voice was soft and full of understanding.

John tried again and this time managed to get his eyes open about half way.

“There, that wasnae too bad was it?” Carson asked him with a gentle smile.

“W’appened?” John managed to get out.

“There was trouble on the planet an’ ye managed tae hit ye head. As I said ye have a concussion.” Carson was gently taking his pulse as he spoke even though John could hear the soft beeping of a heart monitor. “I imagine that ye have quite the headache. Can ye tell me how bad the headache is from nought to ten?”

John almost nodded but managed to stop himself in time and then held up his right hand and slowly brought two fingers to say that the pain he was in was only three.

“Three huh?” There was utter amusement in Carson’s voice. “I guess we need tae double that then an’ make it six. Don’ forget that I know about ye high pain threshold.”

John managed to shrug his shoulder but only managed to ignite fire in his chest.

“Easy!” Carson had seen the panic that had risen in his patient’s eyes as memory asserted itself. “Ye ok, John the Wraith didnae’ have time tae take any years from ye. Ye all right.”

It took several minutes for Carson’s words to register in John’s thoughts but Carson could tell the minute that they did. “Good, I’m gonna give ya somethin’ fer that headache an’ then I want ye tae get some sleep. Ye gonna have some visitors when ye waken so ye need tae build up ye strength.”

John heard Carson order something and soon he could feel the cold of something being injected through his IV.

Then there was a pat on his arm. “Sleep, laddie ye’ll feel better when ye wake.”

John had no chance to reply as the darkness descended.


John had to agree with the doctor’s belief that sleep would help, because it did. He could barely recall the two hour waking to make sure that he was all there; he had to take Carson and his nurses’ word for that.

He had woken an hour ago and after some checks from Carson followed by a refreshing shower he was ready to get his promised visitors.

John had been surprised and not a little hurt that none of his team had been waiting at his side. It was a sort of unwritten rule that had been established when they first began going on missions in the Pegasus Galaxy. It seemed that link was now broken for some reason. It hurt more than he realized. The people around him had become more than just friends over the years, they had become family with Rodney even more of a brother than David was.

“Not eatin’, laddie?” John looked up to see Carson watching him with worry in his eyes.

“Just not really hungry, Carson I’ll eat more later.” John promised and meant it.

“Good, I want ye losin’ no weight over this, ye have very little tae lose.” There was a hint of warning in Carson’s tone.

“I know, Carson I don’t want to either.” When John had been brought back from captivity, John had had difficulty eating more that the gruel he had been fed there. It had caused huge problems until finally John was able to eat without throwing it all back up within five minutes.

“Good.” Carson approved of that, like his patient he didn’t want to go back and revisit that time again. “Are ye feelin’ up tae some visitors?”

“I guess.” There was a hint of disinterest in John’s voice that made Carson look at him sharply.

“John if ye…” Carson started, worry filling him as he took a good look at his patient. John looked pale with deep black rings under his eyes that wasn’t helped by how gaunt he looked. It had only been a day since their return and Carson knew that he was suffering from the concussion still.

“No I’m fine we better get this over with.” John tried to settle himself more comfortably in the bed before pulling at the scrub top to hide the white bandage that covered the feeding mark on his chest. It had finally stopped weeping, although it had brought home the fact that he was anaemic.

“You’ll enjoy it, I promise.” Carson grinned at him, trying to encourage him.

“Yeah, I agree.” John was now brushing the imaginary lint from the blanket.

Carson shook his head as he opened the door to the waiting area that they had made for visitors.

No sooner had he opened it than there was a grey-black blur that raced past him and jumped on the bed with little whimpers of joy.

“Spike?” There was surprise in John’s voice as he took in the puppy that was happily licking his face.

“Spike, you naughty boy you promised not to race in!” Jinto hurried in behind him and stood hands on hips pouting. “Sorry, Colonel John he insisted.”

“It’s good to see you, Jinto is your father with you?” John was looking over the dog before him. He looked so different from the filthy creature that they had first met.

John could see that he had been bathed and it was only now that they could see he was multi-colored rather than the straight black he had presumed him to be.

Spike was also sporting a new leather collar that he was now delighting in showing John.

“Yes, Colonel John and he has said that I can keep Spike. Can you see? I made that for him.” Jinto told him excitedly. “Doctor Rodney came over to the mainland to pick us up with Ronon and Teyla; they wanted me to see Spike as soon as they could. They were worried that you would wake up and think that they didn’t want to be there with you…”

“Jinto, you should let Colonel Sheppard get some words in.” There was amusement in Halling’s voice as he and the others joined them as well. “It is good to see you looking better than earlier, Colonel.” Halling gave him the traditional Athosian greeting without hurting John any more than he already was.

“It’s good to see you as well, Halling everything going ok with the settlement?” It still worried John that they were so far from help should they need it. At least they had accepted the communication devices so that they could make contact in an emergency. That hadn’t happened yet and he hoped with every fiber of his being that it wouldn’t, either.

He looked up from making sure that Spike was ok to find the rest of his team there beside them grinning at the sight that they made.

Teyla made sure that everyone was seated before listening to Jinto telling John that the name of Spike had stuck because when he had been washed and dried his hair would not lie down and Jinto had tried everything.

John laughed with the rest of them before settling back on his pillows to look at each of his friends. He was so lucky. More lucky than he had ever thought he could be.

He had friends now and although there were times that he was still uncertain about some circumstances he was happy.

“He likes to run as well, Colonel John and fetch a stick!” John looked up to respond to the excited Jinto’s chattering.

Once Jinto was distracted by Spike once more Halling thanked him for making his son happy once more.

“You are more than welcome, Halling although I will admit that it was more like Spike found us than the other way around.” John smiled back at the dog in time to see that he winked at him as well.

Could dog’s really read minds? From what he had seen, Spike might be able to do just that. But did it matter? Jinto was happy and he would be safer with Spike than he would be with any of the other indigenous species on this planet.

Teyla handed him some fresh water and smiled serenely at him, her thanks not needed.

John could feel sleep descending despite the racket that Jinto and Spike were making and as he slipped further away he admitted silently that he was the luckiest man in two universes.

The end

fiction-team, author-michele_cross, fication-farewell to sga

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