(VERY Late) 2nd Annual Ficathon Story: It's The Little Things

Mar 06, 2009 23:02

Title: It's The Little Things
Author: katstale
Rating: PG (mostly for violence and possibly a wee bit of 'colorful' language on Ronon's part *grins*)
Pairing/Characters: Gen fic with team and no pairings
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em & not making any money off this--if I did or I were, we'd SO be having a Season 6!!!
Prompts: Written for the ever-so-patient and awesome linziday, who wanted John & Rodney (and/or team) as kids on Atlantis. Detailed prompt will be included at the end of the last chapter.
Timeline: Set early season 5, shortly after John's recovery from events in "The Seed."
Notes: Notes will also be included at the end of the final chapter, as they turned out a wee bit lengthy. Oops! :)
Summary: The team is returned to Atlantis after being regressed to childhood while investigating an offworld Ancient facility. With no memories of their adult selves, the four must work together to not only find a way to cope with their current situation, but to eventually reverse the effects and save themselves from impending death. Chaos, mayhem, and madness occur along the way, of course!
Word Count: 53,678 words (hence why it took six freakin' months to finish--so sorry Linzi!!!)

It's The Little Things, Part 01

Due to length and time constraints, I'll be posting one part per day for the next six days. :)

ficathon - 2nd annual, author-katstale, fiction-team, fiction-whump

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