Fic: The Things They Forgot to Carry

Jan 29, 2009 22:53

Title: The Things They Forgot to Carry
Author: radioshack84
Rating: T
Category: Gen, H/C
Characters: John, Rodney, Carson, Ford, Teyla, Kavanagh

Word Count: 9,852

Spoilers: None really, but takes place after Rising, Part 2 and before 38 Minutes.
Summary: When leaving Earth for Atlantis, some people forgot things.  Sheppard offers to lend a hand to one such person in need, but ends up in over his head when Kavanagh gets involved.  Mild Shep whump.

Part 1

Part 2

fiction-carson, fiction-rodney, fiction-ford, author-radioshack84, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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