Enemy At the Gate Tag

Jan 18, 2009 16:42

Title: Shock and Determination
Rating: G
Author: seramercury
Charactesr: John
Notes: I know this was very short, but I have another tag cooking thanks to Karri's wonderful little idea that sent a plot bunny going wild in my head.

"I'm sorry, John."

Those words, the look on Teyla's face and it was all John could do to hold it together. Here they had hope because there was a Stargate on board and he still lost another member of his team. Another member of his family.

John moved away from them for moment because he was feeling quite nauseated at the fact that Ronon was dead. He heard Teyla murmur something softly to Rodney as he expelled the powerbar he had eaten less than an hour ago.

John wiped his mouth, wishing he had brought his canteen, and stood. He was going to take down this Hive ship if it was the last thing he'd do. Not for Earth, but for Ronon. "Lets go," he said. "We've got work to do."

fiction-friendship, fiction-angst, author-seramercury, weekend challenge, fiction-john, fiction-wraith

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