SGA Fanfic: Palmam qui meruit ferat

Jan 11, 2009 20:28

Title: Palmam qui meruit ferat
Author: Gnat
Chapters: 2
Rating: T, for language
Genre: Gen, Friendship
Characters: Sheppard, McKay, Zelenka, Caldwell, Carter, Woolsey, Jackson
Warnings: Possible spoilers for First Contact & The Lost Tribe., Was not written as a tag for the episodes, but can be considered as one, if you like.
Summary: Carter's plan was to put two scientists in their places, but Rodney was caught in the fallout.
Disclaimers: Don't own them. Never will. It is all in fun and no copyright infringement is intended.  Don't sue.

Part 1

Part 2

fiction-friendship, fiction-general, fiction-minor chars, author-gnat, fiction-john

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