Vegas Tag

Jan 08, 2009 13:52

Title: He Didn't Wake Up Dead
Rating: G
Author: seramercury
Characters: John, Rodney
Notes: It's short but I hope it came out all right. Only one more episode left!! *sniff*

"About time you woke up."

John blinked when he heard the vaguely familiar voice. "McKay?"

"That'd be me."

"Huh," John said. He clearly thought he was going to be waking up dead today... at least he thought it was still today. The fact that it was dark outside made him second guess himself. "How long was out?"

"Probably been a few days now."

"I hate being shot."

Rodney nodded. "Yeah, doesn't seem like fun."

John winced as he attempted to sit up with Rodney's help. "Thanks. What happened after everything blew up? It's kind of a blur."

Rodney explained that the moment they were disconnected he had sent a team out to his location. "We figured you'd need back up, but I see that you're pretty much a team on your own."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. Most people would have considered it a loss and moved on."

"We don't leave people behind."

John looked up at him, eyebrow raised. "Are you in the Air Force?"

"No," he replied, "but I'm very good friends with people in the military and that's their motto. And it's also the alternate John Sheppard's motto."

"Any idea what made him decide to go leave Earth. Well besides the fact that he may or may not have had any family here," John added.

"The flip of a coin," Rodney replied with a smile as he slipped something into John's hand. "Just as I thought."

John stared at the glowing object in his hand. "What the hell is that?"

"Ancient tech. So, you wanna take a trip to another galaxy?"

fiction-general, fiction-rodney, author-seramercury, weekend challenge, 5th season episode tags, fiction-john

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