Fortunate by Kriadydragon: Part 1 and 2 of ???

Jun 09, 2008 20:10

Title: Fortunate
Rating: PG-13 for some violence and language
Spoilers: Season four
Genre: humor, angst, drama, H/C, friendship
Characters: John, Rodney, Daniel, Lam, with appearances by Landry, Ronon, Teyla
Summary: John's in trouble and it's Rodney to the rescue... sort of. Shep-whump, Rodney POV, friendship galore. Beta'd by the ever wonderful
wildcat88. The story is complete and will be posted daily (how many chapters there are depends on how much I'm able to fit on my journal.)

Fortunate: Prologue and link to Pt. 1

fiction-friendship, fiction-minor chars, fiction-whump, fiction-angst, fiction-humour, author-kriadydragon, fiction-rodney, fiction-john

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