Trio Tag

Feb 14, 2008 15:17

Title: Shock
Rating: G
Author: seramercury
Characters: John, Rodney, Radek, Jennifer
Notes: Just a lovely little missing scene that includes Shep whump ;)

John was quite happy to let Rodney, Carter, and Keller deal with the negotiations. He was never good at that kind of thing anyway because it always turned sour. He had just settled himself in his office to start on evaluations when Radek's voice echoed in his earpiece.

"Damn, Doc, not so loud," John replied with a wince.

"Sorry, Colonel, but we need your assistance down here in lab three."

"What's wrong?"

John heard Radek muttered something in Czech, then static. "Lorne this is Sheppard, get your team and meet me in science lab three."

"Yes, Sir!"

When John and the others arrived at the science lab, they saw scientists running around to different computers, shouting at each other. John spotted Radek rushing past him and grabbed the man's arm.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Oh thank God you are here! See that device in the corner?" At John's nod, he continued. "It needs to be turned off but no one in here has a strong enough gene to do so."

"Well then how did you turn it on?" John asked.

Before Radek could answer, a bolt of electricity flew from the device. The five soldiers ducked just in time, glancing at one another. John knew he had to turn that off before someone was killed.

"I'm going in," he told Lorne.

"Sir, are you crazy?"

"We can't just let that thing go until it's drained of power, we don't know how long that will be!"

Radek nodded. "He's right, Major. We cannot wait much longer."

John told everyone to take cover. Once he saw that they were remotely safe, John rushed towards the device. It felt like forever but he finally reached it and slammed his hand down. One last bolt of electricity raced up his arm and sent him flying.


Rodney was just leaving the infirmary with Jennifer when he heard someone calling for a medical emergency in one of the science labs. "I swear," he muttered, "someone better have a good explanation for this!"

He ignored Jennifer's warning to stay out of the med team's way as he raced after them. Once they arrived in the lab, he saw Radek within the fray as was Major Lorne. He quickly looked around for John and sighed.

The man couldn't catch a break, he thought as he watched the medics do their work. First John's Father dies then he had to deal with Replicator throwing him against walls, and now this. He really wanted to yell at whoever was responsible but right now he was more concerned for his friend.

Rodney could see how pale John was as the gurney whizzed past him. He was just glad no one had declared him dead. Shaking his head, he turned to Radek. "Once I found out how Sheppard's doing I'll want an explanation."

Before Radek could respond, Rodney turned and left. "Well," Lorne said, "that went well."

"Oh it will be worse later. He is too busy being worried to be angry right now," Radek replied with a sigh.


Jennifer watched helplessly as Dr. Cole set to work on Colonel Sheppard. She was exhausted and knew there wasn't much she could do with the rope burns on her hands, but she wasn't going to be able to sleep anytime soon.

She learned from one of the medics that the Colonel had received a nasty of an electrical shock from one of the Ancient devices the scientists found. Glancing to her right, she could see Rodney pacing back and forth. A few moments later, Teyla and Ronon joined him.

Jennifer decided to check with Dr. Cole and maybe give his friends some good news. She had just gotten to her when the doctor relaxed and took a deep breath. "Nice work, people, he's stabilized.


"Oh, Jennifer. Colonel Sheppard's beaten the odds again. It seems he received at least 10 volts. Entry was his right hand and there are some minor burns on it, but nothing serious. We're just going to do an MRI to check for any brain injuries and monitor his cardiovascular and respiratory systems."

Jennifer nodded. "So everything seems to be in order?"

"It would appear so," Heather replied. "Although I recommend they come back in the morning to check on him. He's comfortable right now and needs his rest. Plus we still have some blood work to do and set up the ECG monitor."

"I'll let them know. Great job, Heather."

Jennifer headed over to John's team and shook her head as Rodney yelled at Ronon and Teyla. "And where were you?" he asked, glaring at Ronon.

"I was with Teyla. We were eating dinner. Look, I can't help that Sheppard didn't call me. Besides he wouldn't have if it was something do with the science labs. He knows I can't help him with stuff like that. If he needed me, he would have called me."

Teyla nodded. "You know the Colonel wouldn't have called me for a situation like that, Rodney."

"Rodney, calm down," Jennifer said. "Colonel Sheppard is going to be fine. Dr. Cole is just going to monitor his heart and lungs for now but she doesn't foresee any problems."

"May we see him?" Teyla asked.

"Tomorrow. Right now he needs his rest," she replied. "And Rodney I know you could use some too."

Rodney shrugged. "I thought you wanted a beer."

"I did but now the exhaustion has caught up to me. I think I'm going to turn in. Rain check?"

"Rain check."


The next morning Rodney arrived in the infirmary to see Sheppard sitting up and eating breakfast. "How long have you been up?" he asked.

"Nearly two hours, Rodney," John replied. "I was surprised you were here then."

He nodded. "Yeah, well I had to yell a people for about two hours straight. That thing could have killed you!"

"And you could have killed me with that device on Doronda. It's all right, I'm fine. I'm gonna be sore as hell for a while from being slammed into the wall, but I'm alive, Rodney."

"Yeah," Rodney said. "Alive."

4th season episode tags, author-seramercury, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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