Missing Tag

Nov 13, 2007 23:46

Title: Just Grazed
Rating: G
Author: seramercury
Characters: John, Rodney, Teyla
Notes: Yeah, I did enjoy the episode, but there can never be enough Shep whump, and you all know it so I invented some for this one. ;)
Disclaimer: Oh, and there's some quoting from the episode in this that doesn't belong to me


"Relax, Rodney, I'm fine, it just grazed me," John replied as arrows continued to whiz past them. "Now quit your yapping and dial the 'Gate!"

Once they were back in Atlantis, a med team had arrived to help Teyla and Jennifer to the infirmary. Rodney asked John about his arm again. "Are you sure you're all right?'

John nodded. "I'm gonna get cleaned up and then have it looked at. I'll catch ya guys later."

By the time John returned to the infirmary for his check up, Teyla was sitting quietly in one of the beds so he walked over to her. "Well? How are you feeling?"

"I am fine," she replied, "Doctor Keller insists I remain in bed. She fears I have a concussion."

John nodded. "Well, you should listen to her. Just got back from New Athos. Bola Kai are all gone. Must have scared them off. Rodney's got teams going out there to collect clues about what happened to your people."

"Did you find Nabel?" Teyla asked.

"Searched the entire planet," John told her. "No life signs."

"He must have escaped through the Gate."

John was a bit surprised by the vehemence in her voice, but realized he probably would have been just as pissed. "More likely he's lying dead somewhere."

"He knows what happened to my people. I will find them."

"I know you will, and we're gonna help you, but you've gotta rest and get your strength back."

Teyla stared at a point beyond John. "Whoever did this will pay. I will make certain of it."

John is surprised by the fierceness in her voice, but Jennifer hobbles over before he can say anything about that. "Hey, Doc. How are you feeling?"

"Oh, it's just a sprain. I'll be fine," she replied, still feeling a bit ashamed about the way she acted off world.

Teyla watched as Jennifer moved closer. "Why is it that you are allowed to resume working and I am not?"

"Because I didn't take half the beating you did."

"I've suffered worse," came Teyla's reply.

"Yeah, well, I believe you but you're on my turf now, so you have to listen to me."

John could have listened to them argue back and forth all day, but he suddenly felt really cold and just wanted to go to bed. Besides, he could tell Jennifer wanted to talk to Teyla about something. "I'll check in on you later," he said.


The minute John returned to his quarters, he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt, then curled up into bed.

Not only was he freezing, but it felt like his left arm was on fire. He realized that the injury he told Rodney he would get checked out never did get looked at.

"Rodney's going to kill me," he muttered, sliding out of bed.

As John slowly made his way to the infirmary, he had to grab onto the wall for support as dizziness washed over him.

He laid his head on the cool surface and would have slid to the floor if arms hadn't caught him. "What the hell happened to you?"


"Yeah," he replied, putting an arm around his friend. "You didn't let anyone look at your arm, did you?"

"Maybe not," John replied weakly.

Rodney helped John onto one of the beds and he drifted off to sleep as he heard Teyla asking Rodney what happened.

"Remember that arrow that he said just grazed him?" At Teyla's nod, he continued. "His arm was infected because whoever gave him his post mission check up did not do a thorough job!"

Teyla glanced over at John as Rodney ran off to find Jennifer. She could see him stirring and a few moments later, his eyes opened. "John?"

"Is Rodney finished shouting? How can a guy get any sleep around here?"

"He's just concerned, that is all," Teyla replied. "Just close your eyes again. If he wakes you up, he'll have me to deal with."

John chuckled. "Thanks, Teyla."

The next time John woke up, Teyla was sitting in one of the chairs meditating. She must have known he was awake because she opened her eyes. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "That infection really took it's toll on you."

"Much better. How long was I out of it this time?"

"Nearly two days."

"Damn!" John was silent for a bit before speaking again. "Did the search teams find anything?"

"They have not," she replied.

"We will find them, Teyla."

She nodded. "We will."

fiction-friendship, fiction-rodney, 4th season episode tags, author-seramercury, fiction-teyla, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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