Coup D'Etat- A Review
So, as I said before I really did like this episode even though as we pointed out it wasn't terribly shippy. I think part of the reason, aside from a very strong plot and well acted drama, was that this was an "ensemble episode"
These kinds of eps are my preference by far because even though I'm a unabashed J/T shipper, I really love every single character in this show- even Weir is growing on me after this one. This group of actors works well together, they have great chemistry and you can tell they really like working with each other- it's a pleasure to watch when they give us an episode like this.
The Genii have long been the enemy that we love to hate. They are devious, petty, shortsided, paranoid, and generally not too bright. Wonderful foil for our Expedition and at times comic relief from those hairy situations with the Wraith. When I heard that we would see them again this season, I was thrilled. CDE didn't disappoint. The thought that they would double cross each other was predictable but proved to be an excellent plot twist when Laden had the upper hand all along. I loved it. This is the Atlantis I long to see every week. And can I say that I'm very glad that Maj. Lorne is still with us!
Now can anyone tell me why Rodney didn't demand proof that the ZPM was still in working order? There is no way he wouldn't have- but eh- as nit's go, this one was pretty minor.
It does appear that the writers have finally discovered what a lot of us have known for a while- Elizabeth Weir needed serious work as a character. For the first time since they left SGC I *really* believed that she could be, and deserved to be, the leader of Atlantis. TPTB had her leave some of her emotional decisions behind and gave her a quick decisiveness that I just loved. I nearly stood up to applaud when she told Laden she wished him luck with his Coup. What a riot! And while she asked John for his advice, she did it in such a way that you knew she fully understood the situation and was prepared to make the hard decisions even without it. Excellent! If they continue in this vein for her, she might even become one of my favorites.
I didn't review for last weeks The Long Goodbye, but if I had one of the things I would have touched on was how great it was to see the sexual chemistry between Col. Caldwell and Elizabeth. You don't often see attraction that jumps off the screen at you, but with these two it does. After that, I really really missed him not being in this episode!
Ronon and Teyla - aka- Starsky and Hutch! I liked that Weir didn't flinch and sent them right out alone to finish an important investigation, it says to me that she has really accepted them as part of her team and trusts them completely. Jason and Rachel really do play well off of one another and it was fun to see them take on the "good cop- bad cop" persona. I even laughed out loud when Ronon got a little too aggressive with the guy in the bar and Teyla called him off like she would her guard dog. It's so obvious Ronon loves the in your face intimidation and it's fun to watch. It was even more evident to me too that the growing friendship between them is just that- a friendship not a romance. From a character stand point Ronon needs that, he needs family since his real one is gone. Teyla and to some degree John fulfill that need. It would surprise me at all if we learn at some point that he had a sister and Teyla reminds him very much of her. Now having said that- it might have been even better had Ronon been paired with Rodney for the investigation and Teyla was assigned to back up Shep- and here's why I think so.
Ronon and Rodney are fun to watch because they are as different as night and day. Ronon lives to bait Rodney and half the time Rodney doesn't know whether to laugh or be terrified. Seeing them having to work together would just be great! Teyla would have been a much better choice logically to back up John in a military situation than Rodney who is quite frankly dangerous to himself with a firearm. Besides which, I never get tired of seeing John and Teyla watch each other's back when things get dangerous. They work well together almost as if they are reading each other's mind sometimes.
Speaking of John and Teyla, there were some small nods to our favorite couple near the end when it was clear that John and his team were in trouble. Teyla is very very upset at the thought of losing Shep and you can see it all over her face- she even has to brace herself on the nearest console so that she can stand. And earlier when she discovers that John is among those wanted for ransom, her look is one of disbelief and near panic. RL is getting better and better at giving us little peaks into Teyla's feelings for John and it's great! Can I just say that who ever dressed Teyla and did her hair for this ep gets a big old kiss? She looked beautiful! I didn't realize how tired I was of her standard outfit till I saw her this week. Good choice changing her look!
Finally, my favorite moment was actually a Ronon one. He was just too cute when he got upset in Weir's office that he might not be considered dangerous enough to be on the wanted list. He wanted to change their mind! lol! Kudos to Jason who has given this character who could be overly serious and intimidating a streak of humor and joy of life that is just infectious. I love him more every week.
Great fun was had by all in Coup D'Etat and next week looks just as good!
Thoughts? Comments?