Ghost Walk by Zinnith (John/Rodney, PG-13)

Aug 01, 2011 11:15

Title: Ghost Walk
Author: Zinnith
Recipient: sgamadison
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None that I can think of.
Word Count: ~ 20 000
Summary: Teyla is missing. Rodney grows more distant for every day. Nothing has gone right in John's life lately. On top of all his other problems, it looks like he's going to have to take a little stroll through the desert.

Author's note: For sgamadison, who only deserves the best. I hope this is good enough. Many thanks to bluespirit_star for the quick and excellent beta. All remaining mistakes are my own. Prompt at the end of the story!

Read at my LJ

Read at AO3

genre: drama, genre: friendship, character: jennifer keller, character: teyla emmagan, character: evan lorne, character: john sheppard, fanfic, summer exchange 2011, genre: action/adventure, genre: slash, character: ronon dex, genre: angst, rating: pg-13, team, character: marshall sumner, character: rodney mckay, character: sam carter, genre: hurt/comfort, pairing: john/rodney, whump

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