Oct 01, 2007 15:19
Okay folks, it's that time of year!! Last year we held our first Secret Santa challenge. In case you don't remember what this entails, here's the lowdown:
Sign-up by commenting below.
In your comments, please state the prompt you are requesting that will be written for YOU.
Specify what you are willing to write: Gen, Het, or Slash. Also specify if you do NOT want a certain category gifted to you (an example, you only read Gen so specify no Het or Slash in your prompt response). Like last year, I will match writers in categories that they are willing to write and interested in receiving (ie a slash writer matched with another slash writer).
A final request, if you feel you can serve as a pinchhitter (to cover if someone has to withdrawal, or if we wind up with an odd number of participants), let me know that too. It's always good to have some extras in the wings.
All comments to this post will be screened to keep participants from knowing what anyone else is asking for. October 31st is the deadline for signing up. That first weekend of November, assignments will be emailed out and I will put up a notice here. If you don't get an email from me, let me know!
There's two requirements for this challenge:
Must have Sheppard h/c, though you can write emotional h/c and/or physical.
There's a minimum word count of 3,000 and a maximum of 10,000.
The word counts are not chiseled in stone. The minimum is more important than the maximum. If you go over the max, it's not a huge deal. I won't hunt you down and chop away at your story. Or your fingers. If you go under, though... *evil grin* The goal of having a min and a max is to make the challenge doable and to avoid someone writing a fast drabble of 500 words only to receive a 10,000 story in exchange.
The prompts do not have to be holiday-related.
Oh, and one final request. If you are getting close to the deadline and don't think you can make it, LET ME KNOW! The more time you give a pinchhitter to fill in, the better it is. Be honest. This is voluntary, I'm not gonna hunt you down... (see, that's twice I said it!)
The final step: Submissions.
On December 23rd, I will post the submission master post. Before that time, do not post your story anywhere else. Once the submission post is up, you can post your story wherever you want to and then comment with the url so I can add links as they are submitted. The window for submissions runs until January 5th.
Final business: Challenge #8 Missing Scene Challenge
I'll officially end this on 15 October, so if you have any last minute tags or scenes to write, start typing!