Who: Cuthbert, Cerceus, Zetsurin
When: Mid-morning
Where: At the store
Rating: Um. PG?
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Summary: Cuthbert said he was going out to make a firing range, so Cuthbert is going out to make a firing range. Cerceus and Zetsurin are coming too.
"Yuck." Cuthbert plucked at the leather bandoliers slung over his shoulders, shifting them away from the sweaty lines they had left on his bare chest. "Maybe I should have left my shells behind. I mean, nobody's going to steal them... right?" Making a face, he shrugged and let go of them, shoving his thumbs into his gunbelt and wandering after the pink-haired boy.
It was hot. Very hot. And not exactly pleasant weather to be outside in, but what could you do? Start life here as you mean to go on, he reminded himself, huffing upwards to blow a clump of dark hair out of his eyes. Besides, Mejis had been as hot as this in the summertimes, from what he heard, and they'd managed to build whole villages.
"We need hatchets, of course," he muttered, mostly to himself. "Do we need saws, too, or can that wait for tomorrow?"