Nov 18, 2007 14:11
Off the booze for a while, I'ld like to think it's for November, but I've things coming up I'ld like to have a few pints for,. Deleted my Bebo account, don't really see the point in it anymore, it distracts me from proper journalling and it's really quite shit (in my opinion, don't fucking sue me!)
House is still in bits, got the floor down the furniture hasn't arrived, the electrician hasn't arrived, and I haven't done any cleaning for about a week.
This sober thing is startingto affect my brain, thinking about sitting my dance teachers exams, like I don't have enough to be doin with college and work >>>> cue mental breakdown.
Haven't had a shag for nearly six months now, really quite bizarre, don't even feel like a gay man anymore, just kinda floating along, should really do something about that...
Still passing my assignments, he he, they ain't found out I'm a fraud yet..
Getting an extra shift in work from now on, which is great, need the cash, I'm on the breadline at the moment, should really give up the fags. Need to buy myself another bookcase and a desk, hate the curtains in my room, need to clear my overdraft and credit union. Ugh money. Devil!