Nov 22, 2006 21:27
And it's four days long! Which means, of course, that I need to get something done. Which means that those of you who still haven't given my your adjectives need to do so. What I'm doing with them takes time, and I've only got two so far (Apathetic and Sexy are now taken). Really, you're getting something out of this. I promise.
The video version of Ethan Frome is unbelievable. The '98 Valjean not only plays the lead, but his face-in-knitting moment is the most disturbing presentation of cunnilingus the world has ever seen. Yeah, Wharton was all about the UST symbolism; that was the entire book. Now really, though, did we need to see that? You don't go down on a random piece of fabric! You just don't.
Girl Behind Me: "What's stem cell research?"
Mr. Voss: "I need drugs to deal with this class."
That man is my hero, even if the course sucks.