(no subject)

Mar 11, 2006 22:22

On Friday I reached a level of extreme squee when Madame announced our next French project: a report and presentation on a famous francophone. After scanning the list of people, I decided on Robespierre or Hugo, but wasn't quite sure. After a few minutes of deliberation I opted for the third option: beg Madame to let me go as Vidocq. And she relented! Yay! Of course, this means an obscene amount of research using books I don't own...

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eug%C3%A8ne_Fran%C3%A7ois_Vidocq

"Vidocq's mother died in 1820. Her requiem was kept in Notre Dame Cathedral. At the same year, Vidocq married Jeanne-Victoire Guerin who died only four years later. He married Fleuride Maniez sometime in the 1820s. Still he maintained a reputation as a ladies man."


vidocq, french

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