Nov 06, 2004 22:45
BOOO!!! Um..hello. For the first time I have a reason to post. is an update on me, I'll give a more wide update later...this will be short and sweet:
In the past couple of days, life has changed alot...and I do believe its in a good way. I have aquired a new girlfriend..and we so far, are very into one another. Lets hope this lasts..hehe. I have only to worry about her religion thus far, we don't seem to get along exactly in that region of life.
I've also started going to the gym alot again, and I'm going to keep doing it! *baps self* I suddenly realised that I'm totally sick of I AM going to change be someone I do like. Cause, if we can't love ourselves, then how can we justify wanting to be loved by others?? Its rather arrogant.
Also, I've found that I have a job interview at 9a.m. Moday YAY!!! And the job is just down the street from where I'm living now, and it will probably be third shift!!! So, I'm very excited.
As a more shocking note to some, I'm finally not living in my parents house...I'm living with the parents of a friend at the moment, but if I get the job then that might change rather quickly...well, as quickly as a I can manage...I so badly want to live alone...loving my privacy and all. ^_^
Okay, now that was a decently fitting yet quick update. I still love you all, I just don't have a computer right now, so...*huggles all my friends* don't forget me completely. Please comment to let me know you haven't forgotten I exist! ^_^ <333 all...
*rides off into the sunset*