I have come to realize that I can see "Friends" alot more in TBBT but I have no idea where the writers are going with the R&R ending that they always talk of. No couple on friends is like Lenny... none. The only comparison you can give to R&R with them is the pretty girl/science guy and the on/off games they play. It ends there. The more I watched the more I realized... and maybe I am too obsessed with Friends or too obsessed with Shenny... but Sheldon seems more like Ross than Leonard but also storyline wise... like Joey. I want to explain that YES I realize Joey is very sex crazed and a complete idiot.... but... like i said. storyline wise.... I have a few video clips to share with you. The first one
here (go to about :38) and you will suddenly "hear" Sheldon. Then there is this one... that is Ross and Joey... both of whom I see Sheldon in but the idea was so taken from this... from the infamous ADD episode
(go to about 2:40) and then there is
this.... the idea of the food... is similar to how Penny got her strike from Sheldon. There is a few other times... but those are the big ones. If you don't know Friends well... Joey ended up in season 10 briefly dating Rachel. They ended it because they were too good of friends.... and didn't want to ruin things. (THIS worries me in regards to them putting Shenny together only to do this) but then i think... they only compare joey stories... with sheldon stories.... I mean yes thats a story but its too predicatable to copy exactly. Then I came across this
clip. This is ross and rachel... who are alledgely "Lenny" I post that clip because when you watch it... based on the interactions and banter... who do you see? Lenny or Shenny? Yes, thats right. Shenny. This the EXACT type of relationship S/P have yet its labeled as "brother sister" but R&R had a kid and ended up together. Then there is this R&R
clip. Put Sheldon in Ross' place and Penny in Rachel's.... its easy to do in your mind right? And it works. The thing is... at the heart of it, R&R deeply loved and cared for each other and always remained friends.... we get the idea of when Ross has to choose between his second wife and Rachel, as his wife forbids him to see Rachel... he chooses not to abide and wants to do what he can to keep Rachel in his life... when this happened to Leonard.... he didn't seem to mind having to choose Priya over Penny but when Sheldon had to decide... he refused to let Penny leave his life. Ross is more of a corrector... in this sense, I also see Sheldon, someone who makes sure people get the proper science information etc. he also mocks people as sheldon does... its clear that Rachel has been chosen as Penny but for TBBT, will they go the same route as friends and only torment us with a brief encounter like Joey/Rachel fans had or will Shenny be the real R&R of the show? My friend pointed out to me as well that with Chandler and Monica, who were not together until s5... but NEVER broke up once they were, and were only friends first... there is a scene where Monica tells him he isn't boyfriend material... which is similar to Penny with the "you are not the guy" thing. I would be happy with this ending too... two friends who never thought they could be more than that... but ended up together in the long haul and even adopted kids. I mean i don't know many friends fans who ever saw M/C coming... and certainly none that saw J/R coming.... but if we are to get the Joey/Rachel story.... I hope it doesn't end the same. I hope TBBT tries to stop copying friends and go back to its roots and be awesome and original again... but also that somehow Sheldon gets his way and gets to be with the only woman he has ever really loved.. and that Penny gets to be with a guy she knows would never betray her. There is no couple in TV land I am rooting for more than them.
I hope you enjoyed my "friends" comparison and be sure to check those clips!