Apr 30, 2009 12:18
Mounding pressure to book book book more parties is building. Need to do 14 parties a month and/or $7,000 in sales; which over doubles what I have been doing so far this year. It is possible... but I will need people working for me on all fronts. SO.... CALLING HELPERS!!!! If you are willing to whore yourself out for me, please let me know. I will send you post cards and business cards to hand out to people you know to help me with business. I DO have a REFERRAL PROGRAM. You will be rewarded handsomely for your efforts. ALSO if you are willing to put a magnet advertising Slumber Parties on your car while it is parked in various locations you may be doing errands at, please let me know as well, and I will mail you one :D Awesome... Thank you.
So now is the time to start thinking about bridal showers, bachelorette parties, etc... My sister is my MoH and Scott's brother is his BM. My bridesmaids consist of my 2 sister-in-laws and one childhood friend (who lives in Fla). My sister is trying to organize a cheap but classy bridal shower and cheap and fun bachelorette party. She has been emailing my sister-in-law to get her opinion on things. My sister received a, let's just call it "weird" email from Scott's brother re: budgets, spending money, tough times, etc etc.... Well my first thought was 1.DUH and 2.why are you reading your wife's email??? My second came to me much later cause the more I stewed about his email the angrier I have become. (inserting angry rant here) F-HIM! F-HIM for making ME feel guilty for wanting to have a wedding just like everyone else in the family has had! I am SOO SORRYYYYY that S and I are getting married 2nd to last... I am SOOOO SORRRYYYY that we are good children and do not ask of ANYTHING from our parents. I am SOOOOO SORRRYYYY YOUR MOTHER MAKES BAD FINANCIAL DECISIONS!!! F-YOU! For making ME feel GUILTY over things I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER! F-ing Mother F-er... That is all... Thank you. It is now out of my system (mostly).
Took a 20% pay cut at work effective this Friday. We will be losing a considerable amount of monthly income. I now feel more pressure to do more Slumber Parties as well because of this.
As I am the eternal optimistic I tend to believe that if you "put it out there" and do the things you need to do to make things happen that they will. I will have a wonderful wedding in October. I will be able to pay for everything I need to (I may me working on Woodward Ave come Sept 1, but hey...). And I will be able to support my family (S&I) through this.
Thanks for listening.