Apr 01, 2008 01:40
Have you ever felt so alone
That even if you're in the center of a vast amount of people
You feel as though your EXISTENCE DOES NOT MATTER AT ALL.
Have you ever felt so left out
That even if you're surrounded by persons you call friends, they DO NOT SEE YOU
As if you're just an outsider trying to see through.
Have you ever felt so invisible
That you just want to wreck everything and create havoc
Just so you know that you're life's not a joke.
Have you ever felt so frustrated
Because everyone around you only see what they want to see.
Never really caring enough to dig deeper and really try to see.
Have you ever felt so lonely
That your once warm heart turned cold.
Numbing everything, creating a void inside of you.
Have you ever felt the need to succumb to the shadows
And forget... just forget everything...
Then hope that everything will fall back to its place again..