|entry| public service announcement

Jan 18, 2004 01:00

This journal is now -100%- completely friends-locked.

3 Simple Rules For Accessing This Journal

1) If you would like to be added to my friends-list, please drop a comment


2) If you're famous for LJ drama, don't even bother.


3) If you're adding me just for the sake of trying to reach some ridiculous number of friends on your list, I'll not only not add you, I'll also block you and tell you to go f*** off.

So those are the 3 simple rules.

I don't anticipate getting many strangers added to my friends-list because I didn't publicly announce the creation of this journal and I did that for a reason. So, in short, whoever's on my friends list probably already knows me IRL relatively well and if you're on my friends list, then I probably added you before you could add me. If you ARE on my friends list, then please don't publicize the existence of this journal even though it's friends-locked.

If someone isn't added, then there's probably a damnably good reason and that's just common sense speaking. I've had enough IRL and LJ Drama to last several lifetimes over the past few months thankyousoveryfuckingmuch.

If you ARE a friend of mine who happened to not be added, please do not take offense because you know as well as I do that I don't screen people out of my life for no reason. I have experienced darkness in a way that I could never wish upon someone else and it nearly claimed my life more than once, so please understand that this isn't a personal insult to you, but a result of how I have reacted to what has now come to pass.

Things have changed and I have changed and I still haven't fully recovered yet because:

Wasurenai kara...

I don't care about you any less and I don't love you any less.

I am taking care of myself in the best way that I know and feel how.

So please understand.

To my friends, added or not... thank you all for your support and I love you.

~ <3 Me

PS: Also, I don't take kindly to thieves, so PLEASE do not steal any of my icons or backgrounds. I'm generally a nice person and I sometimes don't mind sharing, so if you see something you just gotta have, ask me and I'll probably share so long as you credit me.

NOTE: If you are a certain someone who can't seem to get enough of me even though it is painfully clear that I WANT NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH YOU, then I'd recommend staying as far away from me as possible.
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