(no subject)

Jan 07, 2009 17:22

Here it was, the final battle, the Master looked upon his kneeling enemy, the thorn in his side for hundreds of years, with a triumphant smirk he raised his Laser Screwdriver, intent on forcing the Doctor into a form closer to his true age, so he could watch helpless as the Toclafane razed his precious Earth to the ground, gloating about his.......


"Ianto, son, it's not what you think."

"You where about to do something to mother, because he won't stay around long otherwise, Not a word mother."

"Ianto, you know I'm a free spirit, I can't stay in one place for so long, it gets stifling."

"Honestly Mom, I do understand, but not staying is one thing, not visiting for centuries at a time is completely different..... Jack, Honey, close your mouth."

Jack's teeth made an audible click as he abruptly pulled his jaw back into it's original position.

"And why are there giant talking sphere's coming through a rift outside..... Daaaad, explain, now."

"Uhm.......mmmmmmft fmmmmt."

"Excuse me?"

"I was going to destroy the world."

"Again, Dad, what have I told you about taking your domestic's onto my planet."

"That if I did it again, you'd make me watch the entire series of The Bold and the Beautiful back to back."

"Exactly, luckily, I have it right here with me."

"No, no, Ianto, baby boy please, I'll, I'll clean up the entire mess."


"yes, yes."

"And America."

"Yes, all of it, just please don't make me watch that plague on continuity."

"Alright then, but make sure it's completely back to normal."

"Ok, crisis averted, I'm off then."

"Oh no your not, you, me, Dad and Jack, are going to sit down and have a nice, family Dinner, yes Jack, as long as we're dating your family."

Both of the arguing Timelord's turn to Ianto and spoke together.


"Yes, is there a problem with that."

"Ianto, sweety, Jack is not what you would call.......well he doesn't tend to.....how do I say this."

"What your mother is trying to say is Jack is not only an abomination unto time itself, he's also a complete playboy, and will end up breaking your heart as soon as a pretty enough replacement shows up."

"That was a little harsh dear, why are you looking at me like that?"

"You called me dear."

"No I Didn't."

"Yes, you did call him dear mom, don't deny it."

"Fine, I called you dear, so what."

"You still love me."

"Well of course I do, I keep telling you that."

"No, you only say you love me when I'm trying to destroy something you love, you know I probably wouldn't keep hurting the things and people you love, if you'd just call occasionally."

"I call."

"Dad has a point mom, you haven't called me in close to Fifty years, and it's been even longer for dad."

"Ok, ok, I promise to call you both at least once a year."

"Alright, but you better keep that promise or I'll try to wreck Ear....."


"Some other planet you like."

"That's better."

"Ianto, love, you do realise you may have just doomed another planet if The Doctor forgets."

"One battle at a time Jack, one battle at a time."

"Heyyyy, you distracted us from the more important issue here, you can't date Jack."

"Mom, Dad, I'm already dating Jack, we'll see what happens from there."


Next chapter Family Dinner

ianto, torchwood, fic, jack., doctor who

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