Eureka, Incident 4391, Chapter 3, Contains Slash, Not Betaed.

Oct 24, 2014 01:33

Title: Incident 4391

Chapter: 2 of 3

Fandom: Eureka

Pairings/characters: Jack/Nathan, implied Jack/Nathan/Allison, implied Jo/Fargo/Zane, Zoe, Henry, Kevin, various other characters.

Warnings: Contains slash and violence, not betaed, but if anyone happens to be interested *Wink Wink*

Rating: This is the NC-17 chapter.

Summary: A spill in GD causes strange behavioral changes in some of it's residents.

It had been three months since "The Incident". As Henry had predicted, After he'd made a full recovery, it wasn't long before Jack and "The Pack" had started coming back to work. As it was, Henry felt very fortunate that what had happened in the shelter hadn't completely destroyed their trust in outsiders, after Henry had explained some of the conditions for their lack of criminal persecution, they had agreed to allow blood tests and the like to continue being taken. As long as it was by Henry or one of his close advisers.

But a slight issue had come up. Even though they were no longer considered security risks, for some reason at certain times, the cameras in their little GD nest occasionally went offline for no apparent reason. It was always after Zoe and Kevin had gone to school with Allison, and Zane and Fargo had gone of to their own projects. Jo always seems to know what was going on, because she'd give a slight smirk as she left the nesting room before Jack to get to the Sheriffs' Office, leaving him and Nathan alone.

Unfortunately, there where still a few restrictions on the Pack, video surveillance needed to be on as long as they were in the GD building. So Henry put in an auto restart that switched the cameras back on as soon as they had been turned off as well as setting off a small alarm in his office.

Not long into the next day, Henry's alarm went off, even though he'd prepared himself for anything considering how they'd looked after the cameras went back on, he was still surprised at what he was seeing.

At first it seemed like their usual interactions, though their tendency, along with the others to spend their nest time in a minimal amount of clothing was rather clear as both Nathan and Jack were in nothing but boxer shorts at the moment, their clothes hung in a surprisingly neat row along the back wall.

The two men were cleaning up the food wrappers and cups that had been contained the delivery Vincent had kindly sent for them that morning. After that the few blankets and clothes that had been scattered outside the nest during their sleep last night had been piled into the thinner looking areas of it, until it looked nice and comfortable again.

Suddenly the atmosphere changed when Nathan gently nibbled along Jacks' collarbone as the last coat was put into place, it was, by odd coincidence, one of Nathans'.

It seemed as though they were both secure in the knowledge that the cameras were off, because Jacks' response was to nip at Nathans' earlobe before he was pulled into a rather passionate kiss. As they moved around the room, it was clear pretty fast that neither of them was going to make a mess in the nest, as Nathans' movements led a willing Jack over to the now cleared table. the multiple cameras available meant that Henry had a very clear view of both the extensive kiss, and the way Nathans' hands were creeping beneath the waistband of Jacks' boxers, slowing taking the boxers with them.

It was obvious that, at least in this part of their relationship, Nathan was the more dominant personality. As Jack's shorts pooled at his feet, he was immediately picked up by Nathan and put on the recently cleared table, where his legs quickly wrapped themselves securely around the other mans' waist. It wasn't until Nathans' own boxers had made their way to the ground did Henry notice that not all of the things Vincent had delivered had been used, two mini packs of the sweet butter the Cafe Diem owner was incredibly proud of where being opened by Nathan.

Henry was pretty sure Vincent hadn't chosen the butter for that particular use as he saw Nathans' fingers disappear beneath Jacks', lower spine Henry decided to call it, though the sounds the town Sheriff was whimpering out made it pretty obvious what was going on.

All possible pretense however was lost when Nathan proceeded to push Jack back onto the table putting both their cocks in full view before proceeding to slide into Jack on a slippery mix of salty sweat and sweet butter. For a few minutes, all Henry could see was Nathan clutching his fingers around Jacks' straining thighs and Jacks' mouth open to pant out little gasps every time the other man moved.

The, without warning, Nathans' head turned just enough to look directly into one of the cameras, for a few seconds, Henry thought it was just a natural movement, but as the other man continued to stare, it became obvious that he clearly knew the cameras were back on. He continued to stare for a few more seconds, before he clearly and deliberately moved to hid Jack from view in a manner that clearly said "MINE."

From the low keening sound Henry could still hear from the now mostly hidden Jack, Nathans' deliberate move had the added benefit of pushing the Sheriff over the edge. His legs seemed to crush slightly around Nathans' waist as they trembled with aftershocks, the extra tightness pushing Nathan to his own orgasm.

Shuddering together, Both Nathan and Jack slowly came down from their pleasurable high. As Nathan pulled away, it quickly became obvious how he'd been getting the previously unexplained red marks across his chest as numerous little teeth marks showed clearly for a few seconds, before quickly smoothing out as simple red marks.

Jack was still lying breathless on the table, so he didn't notice Nathan suddenly pull a little device out of the pocket of the coat he'd hung up along the back wall. On the other side of the camera, Henry had no time to do more than blink before all the cameras suddenly turned back off.

He did however jump he would consider a mathematically plausible mile high as the sound of General Mansfield clearing his throat behind him. The Military man choked back a laugh as he waited for Henry to settle himself, before looking again at the now blank screen of his computer. "Well, it might be best if we simply reported that there were no signs of a potential security breach during the cameras downtime."

Henry looked up, still taking slow deep breaths after the scare the other man had given him. "I was going to call it automated security maintenance."

General Mansfield nodded. "Somehow I think that would work better in the reports than well, Nathan Stark and Jack Carters' sex time."

At that point, Henry was distracted by the sight of the now fully dressed Jack and Nathan walking towards his office. As they neared the doorway, Jack leaned over to nuzzle Nathans' neck again before heading towards the main door to get to his own job. Without even blinking an eye, or mentioning that he knew what they'd just been watching, Nathan turned to Henry. "Is their anything in particular you need me for today?"

Henry barely kept himself from choking. "No Nathan, whatever you've been working on the last few days should be fine."

Henry eyed Nathans' self satisfied smirk as he walked out the door, but knew he'd get no explanation for his bit of possessive display in the nesting room.

Turning back to the now speechless General, Henry couldn't help but chuckle. The man had turned a bright pink as Nathan and Henry had talked.

"I'll get you a drink of water General."

Because really, there was nothing else to say.

jo/fargo/zane, allison/jack/nathan, nc-17, slash, eureka, jack/nathan

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