Gaining wings 3/5

Sep 13, 2013 19:30

Title: Gaining Wings

Type: fic

Chapter: 3/5 The Human Woman

Rating: pg-13

Title: Gaining Wings

Pairing/s: Implied Sherlock/John, Implied Molly/Moriarty, Implied Lestrade/Mycroft

Notes: written for This Prompt:

at sherlockbbc-fic

Irene Adler was no angel, she was no demon either, for all her beauty and attitude, she was just a human, admittedly she was a cusp, someone who was finely balanced between good and evil, and who could end up either way, but she was still just a human.

She was also the catalyst for Sherlock's first meeting with his older brother in ages.

Mycroft was a demon who, the last time Sherlock met him was finding his souls in wars, playing a low level bureaucrat or minor official, he was the demon who whispered into someones ear, that person then whispered into someone else's ear, and so on, until the whisper reached the ears of someone who decided to declare war.

You might think war wasn't the best way collect souls, but in fact because while war created people like John, it also made people choose the other direction.

Some soldiers became hero's that saved many lives, others ended up delving into terrible things like torture.

The deliberate infliction of pain on innocent people was a one way trip to hell, and every tainted soul from the wars Mycroft created went directly to him.

It was strange seeing his brother after so long, and Mycroft seemed different from what Sherlock was used to.

His desire to stop Irene Adler was also very out of character, letting the woman use those pictures to blackmail someone would push her off the cusp and towards hell, it wasn't a fail-safe drop, but it did give the demons the higher ground, something which would have rewarded Mycroft very well indeed.

Instead he seemed to be wanting her to remain at the very least a cusp, or even pushing her over to the angel's side.

It didn't take long to realise Moriarty was using her infatuation with Sherlock to pull her into his clutches.

To Sherlock, that explained Mycroft's odd behaviour right away.

Mycroft and Moriarty's feud had been going on longer than Sherlock could remember, stopping Moriarty from claiming Irene Adler, was almost as good as winning her soul for himself.

sherlock, slash, rating: pg-13

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