(no subject)

Jan 12, 2010 11:41

Fandom: SGU

Title: Burn

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Telford/Young, Rush/Young, Telford/Emily.

Warning/s: Uhm, Slash, Cheating, slight AU, spoilers, not for the last episode though.

Louis is Younger than Lou, so I'm Making Young younger than Telford

Summary: Telford still wasn't completely sure what made Young so irresistible.

Telford wasn't sure why he couldn't resist Young.

Maybe it was the way he fought with him at every turn while on duty, making him work for every decision, no matter how simple it was.

Maybe it was how he treated everyone with respect, even if he didn't like them.

Or maybe it was the way he bit his tongue hard enough to draw blood while Telford stretched the younger mans legs to their limit while pounding into him from behind.

Maybe it was the choked whimpers that still made it past the attempt to silence himself.

Telford was no fool, he'd seen the trips between Young and Rush's rooms, seen the way Rush, while not deferring to the younger man, treated him better than almost all the others on the base.

He saw all of this, but it didn't stop him from accepting the offer Young no longer had to voice while standing outside his door.

It didn't stop him from yanking the younger mans head back and thrusting his tongue into his mouth, tasting the blood pooled there.

Now Young had vanished, not by choice, but still managing to take Telford's command with him.

And Telford knew Rush was with him, that thought now suddenly bitter in his mind.

Then the Stones glitched, he was himself, thrusting into Young's wife, and the plan formulated so easy.

Make her doubt her husband, tell her about an affair.

He chose TJ as the culprit, getting Young's wife to distrust him was one thing, having him drummed out of the Military was completely different.

Telford smiled a little inside his head, he'd planted the seeds, now all he had to do was wait.

Young was lost to him, but his wife made a good, though imperfect substitute.

stargate: universe, fic, nc-17, slash

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