(no subject)

Aug 13, 2009 01:21

Twilight fic

Title: Cry Baby Cry

Pairing/characters: Jacob/Edward/Carlisle, Bella

Warning/s: semi-darkish, threesome, slash.

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Did you really think we were noble creatures my love?


*Did you really think we were noble creatures, my love?*

*Did you really think we would ignore such an enticing scent, not to feed, just an incredible, wonderful smell, something to take, to fuck, such a pretty wolf isn't he my love?"

Edward look down at the gorgeous young man, resting on his hands and knees, Head buried between Carlisle's thighs, the heat controlling his every move, controlling their every move.

*I can smell your tears, my love, such a salty tang my Bella, are you really so innocent, how could we ignore this, how could we not take it, we are not immovable.*

Edward push himself forward, feeling the tight grasp pull him inwards, Jacob pleading for it, begging for the quelling of his inner beast, the feeding of his need, his voice muffled by Carlisle's hardness, completely unaware of Bella's presence.

*Do you really think we are always loyal, that we only fuck one person for the rest of our eternity, we are like animals my love, Esme understands, so does Alice and Rosalie, and we understand them, can you take this, can you accept that you will never be the only one?*

Jacob was thrashing underneath him, pushing back against the cooling effect of the vampires skin, his legs pinned by Edwards hands, holding his human form against the bone-shaking thrusts filling him over and over, Carlise's head was tilted back, chest rising with unneeded gasps as the soft keening sounds traveled through the mouth wrapped around his cock.

Edward looked at where Bella was standing.

"Can you accept this?"

Bella fled as Edwards vision whited out, body shaking as he spent himself in the werewolf's warmth.

"I guess not."

Carlisle looked at him, exhausted from his own orgasm.

"She may get over it."

"And she may not, I can't make that choice for her."

They both looked at Jacob, watched him struggle to find a more comfortable position between them, already drifting to the small amount of sleep he could get before the heat took over again.

"I hope he reacts well when he finally snaps out of it."

"The wolf sought us out, not his pack, Maybe the boy can tell us why."


twilight, nc-17, slash

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