(no subject)

Jul 22, 2009 04:35

Title: To See a Grey Dawn

Series: Into the Darkness, Forward to Daylight.

Rating: PG-13

Warning/s: spoilers for Torchwood Season three.

Summary: Ianto is Dead, Jack is traveling through time, alone......So why is there a perfectly made cup of coffee on his control panel everytime he wakes up.

Part 1 here: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/32075.html

It wasn't even curiosity that made Jack wake early that morning, he wasn't actively trying to find who had been leaving coffee for him every morning, he no longer cared, if whoever it was decided to shove him from the airlock, he would embrace the freezing vacum, the cold silence until he was found again.

He wasn't trying to find out who it was, he just couldn't sleep that night, nightmares of cold eyes and murdered children kept him awake.

But when he saw a moving shadow, from the corner of his eye, he couldn't ignore it either.

Stealthily, he made his way to the front of the ship, eternity had taught him how to move quietly, ducking into the doorway, he crouched behind his chair, watched the shadow walk to his ships coffee machine, the only thing he had taken with him from Earth.

It was the voice that made him switch on the lights so fast, haunting, achingly familiar vowels, running down his spine.

Jack stared at the half-naked man looking back at him, Cup of coffee in one hand.

"Do you still want your coffee Jack?"


But it wasn't, Ianto had scars from Canary Wharf, small Burn Patterns on his chest and back, this person had none.

"Your not Ianto."

"Yes, I am, Ianto Jones, Number 2793301, archives."



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