Title: Watching
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam
Warnings: spoilers, Hard R/NC-17 rating
Disclaimer: Not owned, just adored
First person point of view
First attempt at slightly graphic fic, comments needed badly.
I probably, shouldn't be here, kneeling in front of the keyhole, watching Dean and his Angel, I should be back with Ruby, instead of admiring the complex play of muscles along my brother's back as he leaned against Castiel.
I shouldn't, but I still watch the faint drops of sweat that trickle down my brother's chest, the heaving breaths, as an Angel made love to him. I shouldn't listen to the faint gasping sounds coming from my brother's mouth, the soft moans as Castiel's now visible wings brush against Dean's erection, the sharp groans as he comes over the Angel's fingers.
I shouldn't watch my brother give himself so completely to someone else, but I stay because he is one of the few beautiful things I have left.
And the Angel's knowing glance at the door I'm behind, doesn't surprise me as much as it should.