in the beginning of english class today, as with other days, mrs. brand reminded anyone that would be old enough to vote that they have to register. all of a sudden a girl says that she's not going to register because, "one vote won't make a difference." i looked over and started to laugh because i thought there was no way she was serious, but
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You might think me crazy. You might wonder why I care, but numerous encounters with Oprah, P Diddy himself, and many other people that I admire have convinced me that things in this country have to change. I encourage you all to e-mail this to someone, or copy and paste it and hang it up somewhere, or even just show it to your parents. Every vote counts. Many people would argue this, but what if EVERYONE thought that one vote doesn't matter?
We are a sheltered nation. If we didn't want to, many of us wouldn't worry about war, or terrorism, or anything. We don't think that it effects us. In fact, many people don't think any kind of politics effect them at all.
But let me ask you something. Did you go see a movie this weekend? Did you drive your car to see it? Did you go with the boyfriend of your choice? Now tell me, which one of those things IS NOT effected by politics?
None of them. Nothing that you can name is not effected by who we vote into office. Sex, dating, movies, driving, CHOICE. It is ALL effected by voting.
But what if voting was taken away. It is a PRIVILEGE that we have, and if we don't use it, we won't have it. Less than a century ago, it wasn't legal for women to vote. Less than a century ago, it wasn't legal for black people to vote. And yet, many people that fall under either of those categories do not take advantage of this wonderful oppertunity to CHOOSE.
In countries all over the world, people are not aloud to vote. What if we were them? What if we didn't have a choice? What if we were supressed? What if we were thought of as lower than dirt?
So I'm telling you now. VOTE! If you want to be heard, VOTE! If you're a rebel, VOTE! And most importantly, if you want to keep this country of ours, the land of the free and the home of the brave, VOTE!
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