the calisprog was amazing. seriously, it was a ton of fun and taught me so much. hopefully next year the shindig is closer to home (this year it's in santa cruz), and we can all meet up again. i'm going to make sure i stay involved in the sierra club and the
SSC and see what i can do about finding/starting a new jersey chapter.
on the last night a bunch of us talked about the world social forum. kesha, who had an incredible knowledge of current global environmental problems, went to the forum in India last year. she fundraised all the money, got it approved by her school, and made a documentary while there. from what she was telling us, the forum sounds amazing. next year it's in Brazil (where it had been held the two years before India), and i'm going to try as hard as i can to find a way to get there. people from all over the world gather for five days to discuss global social and environmental issues. speakers include nobel peace prize winners, famous activists, and influential authors. it sounds so amazing, i have to get there somehow.
other than that nothing's really been happening. i saw spiderman 2, which i thought was pretty lame. i didn't really like spiderman 1 though, so it's my own fault for going to see the second. saves the day's playing at krome tomorrow. we were going to try and see them tonight in the city too, but i don't know if that's still happening.
i've been looking for a job without any success, so my mom's just giving me stuff to do and she'll pay me for it. my first task is to repaint the bridge. it sounds pretty fun, so i don't mind. i think i'm also going to help her throw a party next week. it's all enjoyable stuff, so it works out well, but i still am hoping for a real job somehow. hope you guys have been having an awesome summer so far.