It'd taken a few minutes to first teleport over, then change out of his armor, freshen up, and put on regular clothes (orange shirt and black pants, as usual). Since then, in the few minutes before Elizabeth's arrival, he's made his circuit of the apartment, making sure all was still as it should be. It'd been a while since he last had a chance to
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Elizabeth knocks lightly at the door to let him know she's here and then lets herself in--she is looking, as noted elsewhere, very much like she's spent the past seven weeks as close to totally relaxed as she ever gets, and her mood seems to be up from the perpetual strain of worry that was starting to make everyone else worry about her. "You don't look like you got into too much trouble while I was away," she says, only half kidding.
"It was nice," she says, with a smile that's a little more telling than her faint praise as she sits down where he indicates. "This isn't much but you're not an easy man to buy for, you know that?"
'This' turns out to be a Gaudi collection Zippo, which is actually quite nice as 'I just picked you up something when I realized I'd forgotten to' souvenir gifts go.
He accepts the lighter, looking it over, feeling the heft of it, his thumb sweeping across the paintwork before flipping open the cover and striking the flint. As he does so, a smile -- simple and pleased, as opposed to his typical smart-alecky grin -- spreads onto his face. "It's very nice. Thank you."
"You're welcome," Elizabeth says, pleased herself to have got it right. "I don't know about what makes people inherently harder to shop for--maybe just not knowing what's going to be the best gift. Especially if all the things you know somebody likes, they have."
"Christmas isn't that bad--maybe this year we'll actually manage to have one with the family." She's not holding out too much hope of corralling all of them into one place, but she does want to be able to believe they're not going to spend it fighting the apocalypse in Canada again.
"You can make money and someone else can make Christmas dinner and we'll all hope for no crises," Elizabeth tells him, dryly, and then laughs a little at the notable pauses.
"We went out a few times," she tilts her head, smiling. "But mostly it was just us. And the automatae. And his cavy."
Puzzled by the last part of Elizabeth's description, he asks, "What the heck is a 'cavy?'"
"The bane of my life," Elizabeth says, both unhelpful and obviously untrue. She smiles, slightly. "Nathan has a pet cavy. It's a guinea pig."
"It's a cute little thing. Just constantly underfoot when I'm not expecting it." Elizabeth doesn't have as much of a problem with the cavy as she professes, but she doesn't find Mister Sinister's name half as funny as Nathan does.
"It has a name," Elizabeth allows, grudgingly. "I just don't use the name because it's absurd."
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